

  1. I can appreciate Atlas Shrugged as a well constructed narrative, but I disagree with a lot of its philosophical framework. The system of Objectivism is incredibly reductive of the nature of art, promotes a presumptuous and obstinate engagement of epistemology grounded only on loose empiricism, and effectively romanticizes the prospect of being a totally selfish jerk to everyone around you.

    Monday, 08-Jun-15 21:30:49 UTC from web
    1. @northernnarwhal the last part is why Libertarians love it

      Monday, 08-Jun-15 21:31:32 UTC from web
      1. @rarity Essentially, yeah. Libertarianism prides itself on being a school of thought structured around this idea of "I do what I want and live life how I want! Yeah!" but when applied to a broader real world context it comes off as incredibly misguided, immature, and self-obsessed. It tries to ground itself with this notion of humans all being in this hypothetical race at the same starting point, with ostensibly the fastest being the most successful and the most "objectively" good person, ethically or otherwise. But this view of the world is awfully childish and reductive, because it COMPLETELY neglects the concepts of privilege, class, race, gender, cultural climate, and several other legitimately influential components of the likelihood for a person's supposed "success". It's because of caveats like those that the only people who can really abide by Libertarianism are people who have advantageous placements in many of those components and are too naive to see otherwise.

        Monday, 08-Jun-15 21:45:25 UTC from web
    2. @northernnarwhal So, Bender from "Futurama"?

      Monday, 08-Jun-15 22:00:17 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      1. @scriba We have a winner.

        Monday, 08-Jun-15 22:21:03 UTC from MuSTArDroid