

  1. Watching The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-chan is stupidly conflicting. The critical side of me keeps shouting "This is poorly constructed and terribly repetitive, and KyoAni didn't even animate it! Why are you continuing to watch this?!" but then this emotional side of me shouts back and says "Who cares if you find it boring and it feels creatively bankrupt? It's more Haruhi content!" Though at the same time The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya feature film was pretty much the perfect swansong for the series so the fact that the franchise has been revived for an adaptation of a spinoff manga by an outsourced studio makes me feel even more emotionally manipulated while watching it. Buh.

    Saturday, 13-Jun-15 02:55:43 UTC from web
    1. @northernnarwhal TL;DR: That's your guilty pleasure

      Saturday, 13-Jun-15 02:56:57 UTC from web
      1. @nocoltz Well, sort of. I don't really believe in the prospect of "guilty pleasures", since if you enjoy something you clearly engage with it on some level. That post is more of me acknowledging "I am not enjoying this work but continue to engage with it due to my emotional investment with the franchise", so in a way I'd consider it less of a "guilty pleasure" and more of "a work that forces me to reconcile severe evaluative differences".

        Saturday, 13-Jun-15 03:03:03 UTC from web
    2. @northernnarwhal Your critical side makes a good point.

      Saturday, 13-Jun-15 02:57:39 UTC from web
      1. @redenchilada I'd like to think that liking anime comes with the caveat of liking any form of media, where you're going to find more engagement and enjoyment in certain works than others. If anything, enjoying a particular medium a lot will likely make you more critical of said medium when evaluating it.

        Saturday, 13-Jun-15 03:00:30 UTC from web
        1. @northernnarwhal I wish I put as much thought into the things I like as you do.

          Saturday, 13-Jun-15 03:04:10 UTC from web
          1. @redenchilada Usually when I become invested in something I become really passionate about it really quickly and absorb a lot about it, so I guess the way I engage with my media tends to follow that mentality too. There isn't really a correct way to engage with media though, I just enjoy the analytical process of any media because it promotes (hopefully) healthy discussion regarding said media and allows every discussing party to bask more critically in the work and their understanding of it.

            Saturday, 13-Jun-15 03:11:16 UTC from web