

  1. This Apzeka letter is known as xet in Maycan; it represents either h or x, the latter being like a hard h. This letter shares both of these sounds as it's a straight borrow from Hebrew and Maycan doesn't have the same differentiation in uvular sounds. The word I picked to write is 'hayet' which is of course a borrowed Maycanisation of a Semitic word for 'life'.

    Friday, 19-Jun-15 03:54:25 UTC from web
    1. @awlyra Wtf is Maycan

      Friday, 19-Jun-15 04:22:48 UTC from web
      1. @polarbear AWL's language he is constructing. It is really cool to see updates on. Evne if I don't understand it my self/

        Friday, 19-Jun-15 04:23:31 UTC from web