

  1. @northernnarwhal how do you feel about Billy Talent?

    Sunday, 21-Jun-15 08:30:08 UTC from web
    1. @pandabear They're not really my thing, but I don't dislike them by any margin and they're from my home city so I think that's pretty cool.

      Sunday, 21-Jun-15 08:33:23 UTC from web
      1. @northernnarwhal Hm. Mkay.

        Sunday, 21-Jun-15 08:35:22 UTC from web
      2. @northernnarwhal Friend of mine has been obsessing over them lately and I've been trying so hard to convince her that they're awful, since I can't stand them. However I'm starting to think I'm the one who is wrong because everyone seems to love them.

        Sunday, 21-Jun-15 08:38:40 UTC from web
        1. @pandabear Have I ever talked to you about how much I love that band?

          Sunday, 21-Jun-15 08:41:20 UTC from web
          1. @riley You have yes.

            Sunday, 21-Jun-15 08:41:45 UTC from web
        2. @pandabear I know they were actually really popular at the high school I went to but that's part of the fact that they do have a really strong local following here since they're from here. I should mention that neither you nor your friend are "right" here, there's nothing really "right" or "wrong" with visceral engagement with a piece of art such as music. Now, some people might be more apt at explaining why they like or dislike a certain piece more than others but that doesn't validate their opinion at all, it just makes it well articulated and (usually through association) more informed. Constructively having a conversation regarding your engagement with a piece of art of an artist has the capacity to expand your critical frame of reference when evaluating said art or artist, but weaponizing your opinion to convince others they're experience was "wrong" doesn't really accomplish much of anything.

          Sunday, 21-Jun-15 08:45:27 UTC from web
          1. @northernnarwhal *their

            Sunday, 21-Jun-15 08:46:09 UTC from web