

  1. There's been actual work done toward writing a PS1 emulator for 3DS and this excites me because it'll be the only way I'll get Chocobo Racing as a decent portable experience since the official 3DS remake was cancelled

    Saturday, 12-Sep-15 05:24:40 UTC from web
    1. @redenchilada Because they knew Chocobo Racing was poop.

      Saturday, 12-Sep-15 05:41:22 UTC from web
      1. @bigpony Go away

        Saturday, 12-Sep-15 05:43:50 UTC from web
        1. @redenchilada no

          Saturday, 12-Sep-15 05:50:55 UTC from web
    2. @redenchilada What about using a PSP? A PSP with custom firmware can play a lot of PS1 games with slight modifications to the ISO.

      Saturday, 12-Sep-15 06:31:37 UTC from Choqok
      1. @adiwan Yeah but I'd need to get a PSP for that

        Saturday, 12-Sep-15 06:44:01 UTC from web
        1. @redenchilada If you find one on the cheap it will be your way to go. There are tons of emulators for the PSP which makes that a cool emulator machine on the go. I tried only SNES emulators. They work well but they have all problems with FX games.

          Saturday, 12-Sep-15 07:11:12 UTC from Choqok
          1. @adiwan But then that'd be yet another thing to carry around in my pockets when I leave the house

            Saturday, 12-Sep-15 07:24:12 UTC from web