

  1. Sometimes all i can feel is regret.
    I regret my life choice, i look at all the time i have wasted, i worry about all the time i'm going to waste and ultimately just get burnt out emotionally and become unable to make anything better.

    I do have a lot in my life i am thankful for, I just wish i did things differently and its all i can think about.

    Sunday, 18-Oct-15 01:36:58 UTC from web
    1. @l1ghtsword same

      Sunday, 18-Oct-15 01:37:20 UTC from web
      1. @tiffany I also feel worse because i know there are people in /much/ worse positions then i am.

        I just feel unbearable unfulfilled in my aspirations.
        I want to be someone and i feel like no one.

        Sunday, 18-Oct-15 01:38:58 UTC from web
        1. @l1ghtsword Simply, it's something most if not everyone feels at one point in their lives. It's not about comparison to others.

          Sunday, 18-Oct-15 01:40:19 UTC from web
          1. @skawleton I feel this al the time. I have been for the last couple years.

            Im not as happy as i lead on and im only getting worse it seems.

            Sunday, 18-Oct-15 01:41:27 UTC from web
            1. @l1ghtsword Is it for the schooling you're doing then?

              Sunday, 18-Oct-15 01:42:15 UTC from web
              1. @skawleton I graduated, IT and Networking and have been trying to find a job in it.
                But, i have always wanted to be someone who creates stuff that others like.
                I Have spend countless hours in audio production, i have even started making youtube videos.
                Im hoping this helps me.

                Sunday, 18-Oct-15 01:43:55 UTC from web
                1. @l1ghtsword Well, if it helps, all the better. I hope it can all be sorted out at the end.

                  Sunday, 18-Oct-15 01:45:19 UTC from web
                  1. @skawleton I doubt it, but that can't be helped.
                    All i feel right now is regret.
                    Regret and self doubt.

                    Sunday, 18-Oct-15 01:45:58 UTC from web
                    1. @l1ghtsword I had a flash of that in my recent changing of career paths and still doubt it from time to time, but at least you're giving it a shot to reach your goals instead of settle into monotony via a careerless job.

                      Sunday, 18-Oct-15 01:47:46 UTC from web
        2. @l1ghtsword well, you're in good company there I guess

          Sunday, 18-Oct-15 01:40:43 UTC from web
    2. @l1ghtsword saaaaaame

      Sunday, 18-Oct-15 01:40:20 UTC from MuSTArDroid