

  1. So, tonight at work, I heard the manager on duty scream like a little girl and run for the phone. Apparently, some guy had driven a minivan over the hump in our driveway and popped a tire and started acting like a maniac. He was arrested for disturbance of the peace, driving under the influence (he blew a 0.12, according to what the cops told the manager), and possession of marijuana and methamphetamines. Then a group of volleyball players came in at the stroke of nine, which was the end of my shift, to get dinner. So I worked half an hour past my shift :(

    Wednesday, 13-Jun-12 05:33:06 UTC from web
    1. @nakkecil22 blegh!

      Wednesday, 13-Jun-12 05:35:47 UTC from web
      1. @pony just goes to show that the Chick-Fil-A safety policies work very well :P

        Wednesday, 13-Jun-12 05:50:32 UTC from web
        1. @nakkecil22 thank Luna!

          Wednesday, 13-Jun-12 05:53:27 UTC from web
    2. @nakkecil22 Sounds like a busy day, the most busy my day got was getting 48 pallets from 4 deliveries in one day to deal, as well as trying to sort out my duties (I was an under manager)

      Wednesday, 13-Jun-12 05:36:04 UTC from web
      1. @mrdragon it was busy enough but then I also pulled a nutshot on myself with an undercooler door and I slipped on absolutely nothing and banged up my right arm and leg. It's about the craziest shift I've ever worked in my life lol

        Wednesday, 13-Jun-12 05:51:24 UTC from web
        1. @nakkecil22 Oh they get worse and crazier trust me

          Wednesday, 13-Jun-12 05:59:45 UTC from web