so I see @redenchilada hasn't burned this place down yet
Tuesday, 19-Jan-16 23:04:04 UTC from web-
@lyrica define "burned down"
Tuesday, 19-Jan-16 23:05:16 UTC from web-
@bobo This place still stands
Tuesday, 19-Jan-16 23:06:40 UTC from web-
@lyrica does it
Tuesday, 19-Jan-16 23:07:18 UTC from web
@lyrica It's more consistently available than furaffinity
Tuesday, 19-Jan-16 23:05:51 UTC from web-
@ceruleanspark that's saying something lol
Tuesday, 19-Jan-16 23:06:52 UTC from web-
@lyrica It's nice to see you again though.
Tuesday, 19-Jan-16 23:10:49 UTC from web-
@ceruleanspark indeed, figured I was due to pop my head back in and make sure the place still stood
Tuesday, 19-Jan-16 23:11:47 UTC from web
@lyrica We don't let him play with the buttons any more.
Tuesday, 19-Jan-16 23:06:09 UTC from web -
@lyrica I took away his matches and gave him plastic spoons