

  1. Thinking to sell alot of my older ps3 games I probably might be the only pony in the world who thought the batman arkham games were boring

    Friday, 15-Jun-12 14:24:23 UTC from web
    1. @dariusponyperson Yes:.... You are

      Friday, 15-Jun-12 14:25:23 UTC from web
      1. @purplephish20 So sue me they are not bad games at all I just prefer spiderman (prepares flame shield)

        Friday, 15-Jun-12 14:26:34 UTC from web
        1. @dariusponyperson I RAGED!!!

          Friday, 15-Jun-12 14:27:23 UTC from web
    2. @dariusponyperson Your PS3 has games? How'd you do that?

      Friday, 15-Jun-12 14:25:53 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
      1. @ceruleanspark Ohyou.jpg

        Friday, 15-Jun-12 14:26:50 UTC from web
    3. @dariusponyperson I have to admit, searching out all those darn Riddler trophies was a pain in the hind-quarters.

      Friday, 15-Jun-12 14:27:49 UTC from web
      1. @finnual The combat was the best thing about the batman games and for me they are just paced too slowly

        Friday, 15-Jun-12 14:28:47 UTC from web
        1. @dariusponyperson I'd say the best thing was the atmosphere and the fact that you have to be stealthy sometimes. On the other hand - I play Civilization and Hearts of Iron 3 - I am no stranger to slow pacing.

          Friday, 15-Jun-12 14:31:15 UTC from web
          1. @hakupony Thats cool I get why people like batman I just never been much of a fan myself I love good atmosphere in a game too

            Friday, 15-Jun-12 14:32:59 UTC from web
        2. @dariusponyperson I totally agree, although nothing quite beats the feeling of completely wiping out a horde of crims in a single combo! :D

          Friday, 15-Jun-12 14:33:32 UTC from web
          1. @finnual ratchet and clank 3 has the best combat ever and anypony who says other wise is wrong :3

            Friday, 15-Jun-12 14:36:10 UTC from web
            1. @dariusponyperson I.LOVE.THOSE.GAMES! Apart from that weird gladiator one that they released a while back...that one was odd.

              Friday, 15-Jun-12 14:38:20 UTC from web
              1. @finnual I tried Gladiator once, then was like 'wut' and went back to the first three games.

                Friday, 15-Jun-12 14:39:45 UTC from web
                1. @flanx There was nothing quite like multiplayer on number 3, so much fun was had!

                  Friday, 15-Jun-12 14:43:45 UTC from web
                  1. @finnual I never really played much multiplayer on it. Only once or twice. Didn't really have anyone to play with. :/

                    Friday, 15-Jun-12 14:44:59 UTC from web
              2. @finnual All 4 one sucked only bad game in the series I've played deadlocked gladiator doesn't look that bad to me how was it so bad?

                Friday, 15-Jun-12 14:40:21 UTC from web
                1. @dariusponyperson I guess I was just thrown a bit as to how different it was from the previous games. For me R&C was all about the fights mixed with the exploration of the different worlds, Sticking the whole game in arenas kind of took away from the experience for me. But I did play it a looong time ago, my judgement may be fuzzy.

                  Friday, 15-Jun-12 14:42:40 UTC from web
                  1. @finnual You have to understand different doesn't mean bad BAD MEANS BAD

                    Friday, 15-Jun-12 14:43:31 UTC from web
                    1. @dariusponyperson I know, I know, I just didn't like not being able to do things like explore the huge desert planet from #, or the ice planet from # Tell you what, I'll play it again and get back to you with a more up-to-date opinion :)

                      Friday, 15-Jun-12 14:45:43 UTC from web
                      1. @finnual The arenas were my favorite part of the last two ps2 entries other than the metroid like exploration tools of destruction missed the mark completely by being too easy and having levels that have no challenge #

                        Friday, 15-Jun-12 14:49:01 UTC from web
                        1. @dariusponyperson Someone really needs to bring the whole "cartoony exploration shooter" genre that Ratchet and Jak&Daxter perfected, it hasn't been done well for a while!

                          Friday, 15-Jun-12 14:51:32 UTC from web