Notices tagged with wallotext

  1. @5ofclubs yeah I mean you can make something as pretty as this to something as awesome as this to as detailed as this #

    Monday, 08-Apr-13 20:12:39 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  2. @princesscelestia "The alternative was half mad ghosts of things that already disregarded the values of their society. I shed no tears when the practice was abolished and only a few when the society that developed it fell into obscurity, and then near oblivion. This array lacks all but the containment elements. Even those are altered, but the basics are there." # # #

    Monday, 26-Nov-12 01:02:17 UTC from
  3. @nightbloom "I always found it important to have at least a basic grasp of disciplines you yourself aren't a master of. This array is based on the patterns used by practitioners of a sect of magic that's fallen out of use. A way of thinking nearly dead in the modern world but powerful in its time. It was used in executions, in its original form. A creature would be contained within, and then a secondary effect would slowly drain the inherent magics from the victim to the executioner. Once those were taken, it would start drawing out the very life. They found though, that the life forces of one pony were often lethally incompatable with those of another, especially ones so incongruous as punisher and accused. So a shade of the executed often formed. In time, a third component was added which bound that into a receptacle, which was stored until the thing within moved on. " # #

    Monday, 26-Nov-12 01:00:51 UTC from
  4. @wafers Dmc 1 and 3 are still great the dmc games always had great soundtracks and atmosphere dmc 2 only had the music and not the gameplay or the atmosphere it was very bland and the second character was pointless #

    Thursday, 12-Jul-12 22:45:39 UTC from web in context
  5. #

    Saturday, 16-Jun-12 17:59:52 UTC from web
  6. @finnual The arenas were my favorite part of the last two ps2 entries other than the metroid like exploration tools of destruction missed the mark completely by being too easy and having levels that have no challenge #

    Friday, 15-Jun-12 14:49:01 UTC from web in context