

  1. There are too many animals with knives

    Monday, 22-Feb-16 22:00:21 UTC from web
    1. @thelastgherkin agreed, but you have to agree it looks badass.

      Monday, 22-Feb-16 22:10:31 UTC from web
      1. @critialcloudkicker This is three steps removing from an animal uprising, I'm pretty sure.

        Monday, 22-Feb-16 22:41:46 UTC from web
        1. @thelastgherkin Ohno, we probably have to treat animals WAY more cruel before evolution would even consider giving them opposable thumbs. Which is why I am in favor of sending mind-controlled possums with suicide vests into the middle east instead of monkeys... I am afraid of their thumbs.

          Monday, 22-Feb-16 22:44:56 UTC from web