

  1. I'm an inherently unlikable person. Just ask papayain' everyone in my life who's left or leaving me

    Thursday, 25-Feb-16 04:20:03 UTC from web
    1. @mrmattimation Do not say such Sophistry. Not only are there many people in the world, but there is someone who may be very similar to you, I would think it improbable for that person to be such woefully avoidant of you for a "Just because."
      Second, You have in no way showed any consistent, regular, and harsh negativity towards others on this site even if they may FrankerZ you off. ANd, when you do get mad, it is not in any way abnormal the way you go about doing it.

      Thursday, 25-Feb-16 04:23:43 UTC from web
    2. @mrmattimation Speaking as someone who is thoroughly unlikable and a complete and utter grape... son, you ain't even in the running.

      Thursday, 25-Feb-16 04:53:04 UTC from web