

  1. I wish I had a bigger nose tbh

    Thursday, 25-Feb-16 16:50:35 UTC from
    1. @vriska Become jewish and you can buy a bigger nose as part of the starter pack.

      Thursday, 25-Feb-16 16:52:16 UTC from web
      1. @nerthos see, now THIS is the kinda jewish joke I can get behind, especially because it implies I would need to buy the bigger nose.

        Thursday, 25-Feb-16 16:53:20 UTC from
      2. @nerthos Let's tone down the anti-Semitism, okay?

        Thursday, 25-Feb-16 16:55:28 UTC from MuSTArDroid
        1. @northernnarwhal new fav quote from Mod Tyler

          Thursday, 25-Feb-16 16:55:57 UTC from web
          1. @bobo They're gonna make action figures of me with all my catchphrases

            Thursday, 25-Feb-16 17:00:34 UTC from MuSTArDroid
        2. @northernnarwhal ...How is a nose joke anti semitism?

          Thursday, 25-Feb-16 16:57:08 UTC from web
          1. @nerthos You literally made a joke about a Jewish stereotype what about this do you not get

            Thursday, 25-Feb-16 16:59:21 UTC from MuSTArDroid
            1. @northernnarwhal I made a joke about a jewish stereotype, at no point I said anything bad about jewish people. That is literally the kind of jewish joke actual jews tell.

              Thursday, 25-Feb-16 17:00:37 UTC from web
              1. @nerthos Your argument is basically "I once heard/saw a Jew make an anti-Semitic joke, so everyone ever is now forever allowed to make anti-Semitic jokes!" and that's not the case because jokes about stereotypes normalize them which is why they're harmful. Just stop.

                Thursday, 25-Feb-16 17:03:38 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                1. @northernnarwhal I guess the reasonable Tyler I used to know is a thing of the past. Oh well, whatever you want.

                  Thursday, 25-Feb-16 17:04:29 UTC from web
                  1. @nerthos I'm sorry the staff of this site won't host your edgy humour

                    Thursday, 25-Feb-16 17:06:27 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                    1. @northernnarwhal I'm sorry you've become a paranoid SJW that thinks everything is hurtful and terrible.

                      Thursday, 25-Feb-16 17:06:54 UTC from web
                      1. @nerthos I love how you think "SJW" is an actual meaningful term and not a conservative boogeyman

                        Thursday, 25-Feb-16 17:09:11 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                        1. @northernnarwhal "Conservative boogeyman". Right. I remember that a year ago you'd tell people of how your friend had gotten an SJW girlfriend and how bad that had been for him. I guess you forgot the person you used to be.

                          Thursday, 25-Feb-16 17:10:55 UTC from web
                          1. @nerthos If by that you mean "took a long hard look at myself and the things I was saying and realized I was being an awful person" then, uh, yeah you bet I did that.

                            Thursday, 25-Feb-16 17:13:18 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                      2. @nerthos Do not even joke about that. Nightmares gave me an irrational fear for the "SJW police" whom will fix all humanities problems. From 1984 to some weird Marxism overnight. Woke up crying I did.

                        Thursday, 25-Feb-16 17:11:36 UTC from MuSTArDroid
            2. @northernnarwhal I mean, if you don't want stereotype jokes, just say so, but don't accuse me of something I didn't do.

              Thursday, 25-Feb-16 17:01:33 UTC from web