

  1. LOL :O) John Oliver,Nails It - Priceless

    Monday, 29-Feb-16 10:28:47 UTC from
    1. @pennyfortheguy I was expecting something classier than a neo "why is the rum gone" thing. But I give John Oliver the benefit of the doubt. I should check out them new episidodes come to think of it.

      Monday, 29-Feb-16 10:48:06 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      1. @critialcloudkicker I saw that episode. According to their research Donald Trump's family name was Drumpf before it was changed.

        Monday, 29-Feb-16 10:58:51 UTC from Choqok
        1. @adiwan Heh, awesome... Also, why does "drumpf" somehow remind me of grapes ?

          Monday, 29-Feb-16 11:02:41 UTC from web
          1. @critialcloudkicker It reminds me of the German word "dumpf" which means dull

            Monday, 29-Feb-16 11:16:13 UTC from Choqok
            1. @adiwan Well, they were german winemakers.

              Monday, 29-Feb-16 11:17:42 UTC from web
              1. @colfax Ah, there we go. I probably saw a bottle of it at one time.

                Monday, 29-Feb-16 11:19:53 UTC from web
    2. @pennyfortheguy he sure did. John Oliver is excellent.

      Monday, 29-Feb-16 11:27:06 UTC from