

  1. It strikes me as, ehmm, odd, and perhaps a bit of ironic that most issues I am coming across today, both IRL and on the Internet ( Through this company-client skype "keep in touch" kinda thing ) can be disarmed, diffused, and/or otherwise explained by stating something I jolted down on a post-it of paper so long ago. ( Sidenote, I really love sticky-notes/post-its, they decorate my work-monitor like some sort of viewbox-flower ). It reads "So, [team A] isn't allowed to form their own oppinions and conclusions on modern social and political issues, they must all conform to and obey to whatever your particular opinion is". I have been keeping track of however many times I had to use this for someone else's reality check or prove a logic fallacy on their side. BUT, I have been counting on the same note using dot and line tally marks ( ) ... and running out of space in 63 days. Last year did not even fill up the piece of paper. I fear for a trend now :(

    Friday, 04-Mar-16 15:41:32 UTC from web
    1. @critialcloudkicker people are so easy to assume their ideals are being attacked.

      Friday, 04-Mar-16 15:50:48 UTC from web
      1. @awl I do not think that it is their ideal's even half as much as the times where people think black&white "I am right therefore the other party is wrong". I should probably also point out that I work for a company who'se clients all have gotten a valid autism diagnosis.

        Friday, 04-Mar-16 16:01:46 UTC from web