

  1. Damn laser printer cartridge. This damn thing had an unbalanced distribution of toner (shaking didn't help) but today it plainly refused to spit out anything. Fortunately I had a replacement on hand.

    Friday, 04-Mar-16 19:33:26 UTC from Choqok
    1. @adiwan Oh, if I may be as bold. What would you figure would happen if someone were to throw it in the trash hard enough for it to break/leak and spill all over the container-room/trash-block ?

      Friday, 04-Mar-16 19:35:43 UTC from web
      1. @critialcloudkicker I know what happens with loose toner powder. At my old school I hang out in the computer room with my buddy who was a voluntary admin and he was refilling a laser printer cartridge. The toner is a nasty liquid-like powder that sticks to everything it touches. (no accident happened, just a little experiment with a gram of this powder)

        Friday, 04-Mar-16 19:41:17 UTC from Choqok
        1. @adiwan I am not sure, but our container-room/trash-block currently looks like someone was trying to make an oil painting and gave up, breaking the oil in the bottles and throwing it in an empty container ( which happens to have a vent-hole which it all leaked out of ) or bubblejet ink. For where it leaked on looks like blue frosting with the slickness of linoleum ( <- spellchecker wanted to change this to Polonium, WTF ? ). Also, yea you are right, toner is in laser printers, and the powder is awesome. I used to have a worn down huge laser printer and I had to dust the roller every once in a while for else it would just keep building up more and more toner. It will bond to anything with sufficient heat though leading to the infamous line from my childhood "don't try to wash it out using warm water, an oven, or a hot-air gun" ... Also that stuff is flammable to the point where near fatal experiments of explosions were done with it, good times :)

          Friday, 04-Mar-16 19:52:03 UTC from web
          1. @critialcloudkicker Powder explosions are nasty. My chemestry teacher made a nice black spot on the ceiling with such an explosion. It was impressive.

            Friday, 04-Mar-16 20:02:08 UTC from Choqok
            1. @adiwan Sadly, I never got chemistry, However I know what happens when you safely detonate powdered creamer.

              Friday, 04-Mar-16 20:09:01 UTC from web
              1. @critialcloudkicker The only real dangerous experiment was when the teacher submerged a piece of lithium in water and kept it under water with pliers. The litium reacted so heavily that it separated the hydrogen and oxygen from the water and the hydrogen reacted again in an explosion. The glass bowl shattered into a million pieces. Fortunately he wore protective gear and put up a safety screen between the bowl and us.

                Friday, 04-Mar-16 20:17:41 UTC from Choqok
                1. @adiwan Yeah, ehmm, don't apple around with Lithium and water. I know that, I know why, but I do not know the chemical process of it all.

                  Friday, 04-Mar-16 20:19:07 UTC from web
    2. @adiwan also . I say yay to being prepared :)

      Friday, 04-Mar-16 19:36:29 UTC from web
      1. @critialcloudkicker Haha.

        Friday, 04-Mar-16 19:38:43 UTC from Choqok