

  1. @zemichi Bring back our gamer girls

    Thursday, 17-Mar-16 23:15:34 UTC from
    1. @hfaust A reference to something that happened back in 2014 crossed with a reference to something that is still going on ? Well done I say :) ... But I would rather see all of this thing die off rather than see Obama mingle with any side on this war. It would be the equivallent of Bill Clinton saying that he thinks the new Russian president is a poopyhead on his last day in office. ( spoiler : it won't get him anywhere and would probably leave him a super awkward position for a successor ( in case of Clinton, his wife ) )

      Thursday, 17-Mar-16 23:51:35 UTC from web
      1. @critialcloudkicker I think he has enough on his plate (ISIS, replacing a Supreme Court justice in an election year, Apple vs. FBI, election year, etc) to be involved in not-that-important things. 

        Thursday, 17-Mar-16 23:57:53 UTC from
        1. @hfaust Replacing Supreme Court Justice Scalia must be a really tough one, and I have no idea how it even works, people ( especially Republicans ) shout how he can't do that and how they'll fillibuster any potential candidates. Yet history has shown me that it has happened before but then with the Democrats doing the alledged fillibustering. The whole process should be interesting to behold, well for me at least... Also there is Guantanamo Bay detention camp... For the president to also mingle with Gamergate, a HUGE movement which has arguably won the "ethics in game journalism" fight but remained to fight off SJW's that threaten their favorite pasttime... Yeah, if he is crazy enough to do that, then I am gonna say he must really love those grey hairs of his.

          Friday, 18-Mar-16 10:57:18 UTC from web
          1. @critialcloudkicker It's his last year, and he seems to me as a person who really wants to leave a legacy. You could argue his battle for healthcare it's one of the biggest accomplishments of his administration. But you also have the reveals of the NSA, Libya, the Syria War, drone strikes, etc. He wants to leave a mark, and this is his last chance. He will probably focus more on those battles than other issues.

            Friday, 18-Mar-16 17:12:59 UTC from
            1. @hfaust That sounds simply stupid, that would mean that the last year of a president's term is just a huge cherrying match

              Friday, 18-Mar-16 17:55:49 UTC from web
              1. @critialcloudkicker Most second terms are lousy (Not considering presidents in wartime because that's another field). The final year is mostly settling the field in domestic and international accomplishments. You can see it with Reagan, Clinton, Taft, etc.

                Friday, 18-Mar-16 18:07:41 UTC from
                1. @hfaust I am no scholar of history, at most I am a student, but you would think that this whole ISIS thing with the refugee crysis and the pobability of making more people anti-american than killing them with drones would constitute a war.

                  Friday, 18-Mar-16 18:19:13 UTC from web
                  1. @critialcloudkicker Could be, but the rules have changed, you don't have boots on the ground nor international coalitions. Obama just inherited the war on "terror" and gave it new means to fight it. 

                    Friday, 18-Mar-16 18:28:08 UTC from
                    1. @hfaust Yes but who did he inherit it from ? George H.W. Bush, or just W. Bush would be my guess. Most likely after 12+ years the civilians at home are getting war fattigue and the "woo" potential for Obama in the conflict is lower than the harassment of woman online ?>

                      Friday, 18-Mar-16 18:31:24 UTC from web
                      1. @critialcloudkicker I don''t understand what is your point.

                        Friday, 18-Mar-16 18:37:23 UTC from
                        1. @hfaust No point really, I am merely trying to understand what would be in it for Obama to mingle in Gamergate. The way we are currently discussing it seems he has very few reasons ( if any ) not to. Am I right/wrong ?

                          Friday, 18-Mar-16 18:41:34 UTC from web
                          1. @critialcloudkicker Oh thanks, I wasn't that far then. Yes, he has few reasons to be involved, even by namedropping, in this phenomenon.

                            Friday, 18-Mar-16 18:45:40 UTC from
                            1. @hfaust Well, even if he gets a photo of him, TB, and Anita Sarkeesian hugging it out. I do not think it will leave a big enough mark for him to be remembered by. I could be wrong, but just namedropping would probably not generate big enough of a buzz.

                              Friday, 18-Mar-16 18:48:06 UTC from web
                              1. @critialcloudkicker Probably one to two weeks of news and then, to the next controversy.

                                Friday, 18-Mar-16 18:51:33 UTC from
                                1. @hfaust On the bright side, it would force the big media to finally tackle GamerGate, but if they cover it like Brianna Wu on SyFy I'm gonna cry. Because how it was portrayed on that thing made it sound like we should not fear gamers because they are training to shoot up schools and stuff, but are actually trainees in the art of mysoginy.

                                  As you say though, it will not take long for the next big thing to come along. It does not even need to be that big I guess, as long as the big media can blow it up like a balloon and parade it around a bit.

                                  Friday, 18-Mar-16 19:02:39 UTC from web
                                  1. @critialcloudkicker Completely agree. But we will see, this has been a crazy year.

                                    Friday, 18-Mar-16 19:08:48 UTC from
                                    1. @hfaust Well, if someone were to make a weather-report for the next president, I am pretty sure we would have like a 40% chance of heavy precipitation on the same topic. And that is not taking into account the numbers that each of the nominees have on their side ( such as how Sanders is less likely to be the Democratic Nominee due to Clinton having a huge lead in delegates ) ... Wait, does Carson still run ?

                                      Friday, 18-Mar-16 19:13:11 UTC from web
                                      1. @critialcloudkicker Carson dropped and endorsed Trump.

                                        Friday, 18-Mar-16 19:13:57 UTC from
                                        1. @hfaust Boy, and I thought the video taken when Christie supported trump was painfull to watch, the video where Carson officially supports trump might put me to a very strange violent sleep ( due to characteristics of Trump's speech and Carson's ... livelyness ? ) ... But yeah... does not change much for the precipitation-o-meter.

                                          Friday, 18-Mar-16 19:19:44 UTC from web
        2. @hfaust Waaaait, does count ?

          Friday, 18-Mar-16 11:13:21 UTC from web