Cloud Kicker (critialcloudkicker)'s status on Friday, 18-Mar-16 10:57:18 UTC

  1. @hfaust Replacing Supreme Court Justice Scalia must be a really tough one, and I have no idea how it even works, people ( especially Republicans ) shout how he can't do that and how they'll fillibuster any potential candidates. Yet history has shown me that it has happened before but then with the Democrats doing the alledged fillibustering. The whole process should be interesting to behold, well for me at least... Also there is Guantanamo Bay detention camp... For the president to also mingle with Gamergate, a HUGE movement which has arguably won the "ethics in game journalism" fight but remained to fight off SJW's that threaten their favorite pasttime... Yeah, if he is crazy enough to do that, then I am gonna say he must really love those grey hairs of his.

    Friday, 18-Mar-16 10:57:18 UTC from web in context