

  1. Quick question... should I continue uploading episodes or am I wasting my time?

    Monday, 28-Mar-16 21:06:03 UTC from web
    1. @colfax I think you are providing a valuable service. I just wish I did not lose my credentials and did not lose S2S3&S4 due to hardwarefail

      Monday, 28-Mar-16 21:20:19 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      1. @critialcloudkicker I still have all the previous seasons uploaded to Mega, they're just more finicky about bandwidth usage.

        Monday, 28-Mar-16 21:21:34 UTC from web
      2. @critialcloudkicker As soon as I can afford the $10 a month I'm going for Dropbox pro, then everything will be back up there

        Monday, 28-Mar-16 21:23:32 UTC from web
    2. @colfax I daresay you're doing a great service to a contingent of people who will never thank nor acknowledge you for it. Which is to say, the lurkers.

      Monday, 28-Mar-16 21:37:20 UTC from web
      1. @thelastgherkin It'll sound odd, but that cheered me up more than anything else the past few days.

        Monday, 28-Mar-16 21:38:42 UTC from web