

  1. So here's a quick sketch of the really simple Twilight costume I had in mind (using a body template I found via google):

    Wednesday, 01-Jun-11 00:05:16 UTC from web
    1. @abigpony Any suggestions?

      Wednesday, 01-Jun-11 00:07:10 UTC from web
    2. @earflaps Nice sketch :D

      Wednesday, 01-Jun-11 00:07:17 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    3. @earflaps Colors look good. I don't know that I'd immediately guess Twilight without a cutie mark somewhere, but it does look good.

      Wednesday, 01-Jun-11 00:07:32 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      1. @scribus I'm not confident enough in my sewing to do that. Maybe I could pull in a favour. @nvrrmbr Thanks, but I only own the white shirt out of all of those, and I don't have any money right now to buy the others.

        Wednesday, 01-Jun-11 00:11:33 UTC from web
        1. @earflaps I'd suggest one of the pins, then, but I don't know what your timeline is and you go on to mention finances, anyway, so I'll just be trailing off now...

          Wednesday, 01-Jun-11 00:17:05 UTC from MuSTArDroid
          1. @scribus Sorry, I disappeared for a little bit and just got this. The pin's a brilliant idea. I'm sure once I can afford the clothing, I can afford the pins to match.

            Wednesday, 01-Jun-11 00:29:45 UTC from web
            1. @earflaps Hey, no prob, I disappear all the time, I understand.

              Wednesday, 01-Jun-11 00:32:42 UTC from MuSTArDroid
            2. @earflaps That's okay bro, the clothes alone are fine.

              Wednesday, 01-Jun-11 00:34:25 UTC from web
    4. @earflaps Cool mate, can't wait to see the real costume!

      Wednesday, 01-Jun-11 00:07:33 UTC from web