

  1. Mother of batcave, Phallic imagery EVERYWHERE In PowerPuf Girls.. Who animated the Reboot by the way? Is Lauren Ok with this? I hope not!

    Monday, 11-Apr-16 00:54:16 UTC from web
    1. @metaltao Craig McCracken and Lauren Faust have nothing to do with this reboot. And if you're wondering who animated it, odds are the people who animated it are Korean sweatshop workers who don't remember animating it.

      Monday, 11-Apr-16 00:55:16 UTC from web
      1. @mrmattimation Yeah, I suspected the former, but, holy balls. This is...

        Way to coincidental or specific... It is.. It is highly unlikely this was just a "coincidence"

        Monday, 11-Apr-16 00:56:15 UTC from web
        1. @metaltao The phallic imagery is probably intentional but also probably unintentionally poorly timed. I think the writers just think kids like dick jokes.

          Monday, 11-Apr-16 00:57:36 UTC from web