

  1. I would like the Ghost in the Shell angry people to be angrier about a white actor playing Rita Repulsa

    Tuesday, 19-Apr-16 16:22:41 UTC from web
    1. @thelastgherkin I had to look up who this character was as I've never really followed Power Rangers. This is still for sure worth getting upset about, but I literally had no idea this specific case was going on.

      Tuesday, 19-Apr-16 16:40:17 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      1. @narwhal I mean, the original Rita was variously played by an Asian or Hispanic woman. Not everyone is going to be happy with any decision, but either one of those is not white.

        Tuesday, 19-Apr-16 17:24:24 UTC from web
        1. @thelastgherkin Mm, Hollywood casting is a fearful machine that'd rather cast a bankable well-known white person even if it means the erasure of pre-established minority fictional characters, because as long as people still end up going to go see the film they couldn't care less about any kind of cultural transgressions they may be committing.

          Tuesday, 19-Apr-16 17:33:09 UTC from web