

  1. For the record, I don't think Sanders is a great option either. He will get absolutely nothing done, he'll introduce a bunch of policies that will ultimately fail, he'll try and change too much too quickly, and our economy will stagnate. Plus he'll probably be a weak leader. But he's the least bad option in that monkey circus of a political system.

    Wednesday, 20-Apr-16 03:21:57 UTC from web
    1. @mrmattimation Vote for the Boss. He'll defend you from aliens.

      Wednesday, 20-Apr-16 03:22:51 UTC from web
      1. @nerthos Are you implying that I would vote for ANYBODY that had to do with Saints Row IV?

        Wednesday, 20-Apr-16 03:23:48 UTC from web
        1. @mrmattimation Wouldn't that be a better option than the three presented?

          Wednesday, 20-Apr-16 03:26:42 UTC from web
          1. @nerthos If you gave me the choice to either elect Donald Trump or play through Saints Row IV again I would vote Trump.

            Wednesday, 20-Apr-16 03:28:05 UTC from web
            1. @mrmattimation BRB calling his campaign chief

              Wednesday, 20-Apr-16 03:29:14 UTC from web
      2. @nerthos @mrmattimation >the boss

        Wednesday, 20-Apr-16 03:24:27 UTC from
    2. @mrmattimation In fairness, those problems aren't really inherent to Bernie and are more larger systemic issues with your political system

      Wednesday, 20-Apr-16 03:23:48 UTC from web
      1. @narwhal No, "changing too much too fast" is definitely a Bernie problem.

        Wednesday, 20-Apr-16 03:24:45 UTC from web
        1. @mrmattimation Bernie is proposing lots of welcome change, but the forces that would hypothetically prevent him from making lots of change very quickly are inherent to the system, not the politician.

          Wednesday, 20-Apr-16 03:28:20 UTC from web
          1. @narwhal I wanted to go light a house on fire and they're really mad at me about it. It was a house that some other dudes wanted to burn down but some cops told me I couldn't. I'm not holding myself back, the system is holding me back.

            Wednesday, 20-Apr-16 03:33:00 UTC from web
            1. @mrmattimation I have other points I could make, but I'm not looking for an argument, so I'll simply disagree with your colourful analogy

              Wednesday, 20-Apr-16 03:49:37 UTC from web