

  1. I feel awesoem, I just got an Android.

    Sunday, 24-Jun-12 05:09:15 UTC from web
    1. @theultimaxtreme we're doomed [/C3P0]

      Sunday, 24-Jun-12 05:09:38 UTC from web
    2. @theultimaxtreme Yeah, some crappy LG.

      Sunday, 24-Jun-12 05:10:37 UTC from web
      1. @redenchilada Hey, it works fine, shut up. I don't need ice cream sandviches like SOME mods...

        Sunday, 24-Jun-12 05:11:51 UTC from web
        1. @theultimaxtreme which crappy LG you got? Don't tell me it's the Optimus/Thrive/Thrill

          Sunday, 24-Jun-12 05:12:16 UTC from web
          1. @lyrica It's a Phoenix.

            Sunday, 24-Jun-12 05:13:13 UTC from web
            1. @theultimaxtreme IIRC that's another version of the Optimus, I'm sorry man :< I know your pain

              Sunday, 24-Jun-12 05:13:54 UTC from web
              1. @lyrica It's a clone of the Thrive, and for $10, I have no complaints, aside from the SD reader being a bit finicky.

                Sunday, 24-Jun-12 05:16:00 UTC from web
                1. @theultimaxtreme $10? not bad, don't feel as bad for you. Just know, Email and text Messages use the normal storage, and if you go below 50 megs, you can't get anymore texts

                  Sunday, 24-Jun-12 05:17:15 UTC from web
                  1. @lyrica It's an AT&T, so the actual phone part is worthless to me. I'm just gonna use it for maybe music and Wifi access at my flea market.

                    Sunday, 24-Jun-12 05:18:26 UTC from web
                    1. @theultimaxtreme that's fine then

                      Sunday, 24-Jun-12 05:18:46 UTC from web
        2. @theultimaxtreme Hey, ice cream sandwiches are delicious! Especially on wheat. :d

          Sunday, 24-Jun-12 05:12:17 UTC from web
          1. @scribus .... EAWWWW!

            Sunday, 24-Jun-12 05:12:38 UTC from web
            1. @nlghtmaremoon I've not actually had ice cream on wheat bread. . . yet.

              Sunday, 24-Jun-12 05:13:36 UTC from web
              1. @scribus I could make it work.... I would take the bread, and do it up like french toast... then cinnamon and sugar the bread then Ice cream on top

                Sunday, 24-Jun-12 05:14:44 UTC from web
                1. @nlghtmaremoon I was thinking just plain old toast, but french toast style would be AWESOME~! :d

                  Sunday, 24-Jun-12 05:15:30 UTC from web
                  1. @scribus see what i did there I made the thought of Icecream on bread awesome

                    Sunday, 24-Jun-12 05:16:32 UTC from web
                    1. @nlghtmaremoon And here I was just ripping off "Grandma's Boy."

                      Sunday, 24-Jun-12 05:17:29 UTC from web
        3. @theultimaxtreme Yeah but I bet your phone would crack running the kind of stuff my phone runs.

          Sunday, 24-Jun-12 05:12:30 UTC from web
          1. @redenchilada Mine is literally cracked...

            Sunday, 24-Jun-12 05:13:01 UTC from web
          2. @redenchilada Implying your crap is worth my time.

            Sunday, 24-Jun-12 05:13:03 UTC from web
            1. @theultimaxtreme

              Sunday, 24-Jun-12 05:17:36 UTC from web