

  1. @derpyshy @cajunbrony good, u all get a fluttershy

    Sunday, 24-Jun-12 19:10:39 UTC from web
    1. @iluvzfluttershy Nah, I already got one :P

      Sunday, 24-Jun-12 19:12:11 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      1. @derpyshy fine have a gunslunging rainbowdash.

        Sunday, 24-Jun-12 19:14:18 UTC from web
        1. @iluvzfluttershy Oki

          Sunday, 24-Jun-12 19:14:52 UTC from MuSTArDroid
          1. @derpyshy so waht have u been up to?

            Sunday, 24-Jun-12 19:15:42 UTC from web
            1. @iluvzfluttershy Nothing. You?

              Sunday, 24-Jun-12 19:18:34 UTC from MuSTArDroid
              1. @derpyshy just finished cleaning out the garage

                Sunday, 24-Jun-12 19:20:21 UTC from web
                1. @iluvzfluttershy ok

                  Sunday, 24-Jun-12 19:20:47 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    2. @comradeconventrix how can you see it's get

      Sunday, 24-Jun-12 19:17:42 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
      1. @rozeluck german***

        Sunday, 24-Jun-12 19:18:00 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
      2. @rozeluck cause hes in the military

        Sunday, 24-Jun-12 19:19:42 UTC from web
        1. @iluvzfluttershy I know but how can he just see it without anything just from a drawing?

          Sunday, 24-Jun-12 19:21:56 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    3. @comradeconventrix oh comon i found it off the internet and photoshoped it

      Sunday, 24-Jun-12 19:18:56 UTC from web
    4. @comradeconventrix Also ponies can't use guns. due to lack of extremities and all.

      Sunday, 24-Jun-12 19:22:43 UTC from web
    5. @comradeconventrix ah okay

      Sunday, 24-Jun-12 19:22:51 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    6. @comradeconventrix they have magic too. They probably have Spiderman like "grippers"

      Sunday, 24-Jun-12 19:25:11 UTC from web
    7. @comradeconventrix I guess the guns are modified to work with hooves then. Ah, there we go!

      Sunday, 24-Jun-12 19:25:44 UTC from web
    8. @comradeconventrix And the mp5 is still the most widely used 9mm smg in the US, right? Just asking.

      Sunday, 24-Jun-12 19:27:19 UTC from web
    9. @comradeconventrix Hey, at least it's not an M16A1. Now THAT was a piece of mangoes gun.

      Sunday, 24-Jun-12 19:33:37 UTC from web
    10. @comradeconventrix I know right. I take it you are a Kalashnikov type of guy?

      Sunday, 24-Jun-12 19:38:38 UTC from web
    11. @comradeconventrix The 74 is nice. Just a more compact 47 really but it is still a great gun.

      Sunday, 24-Jun-12 19:41:47 UTC from web
    12. @comradeconventrix I thought it was a bit smaller. I know it carries the same ammo type and all but I thought is was just a little smaller. I need to do more research!

      Sunday, 24-Jun-12 19:44:21 UTC from web
    13. @comradeconventrix Wow, where have i been? I really need to do more research. I haven't researched guns in a while but I didn't think I forgot that much. xD

      Sunday, 24-Jun-12 19:50:36 UTC from web
    14. @comradeconventrix Traditional Russian weapons use a slightly larger calibre then the 7.62 I believe the 7.66, this is a strategic idea that no one may use their ammunition, but they can use other countries and is a standing tribute to the fact Russia thinks about it's strategies.

      Sunday, 24-Jun-12 19:52:02 UTC from web
    15. @comradeconventrix Yeah, most people think the 74u is actually a submachine gun from Call Of Duty. As far as I remember it is not an smg at all.

      Sunday, 24-Jun-12 19:54:57 UTC from web
      1. @wafers Compact rifle.

        Sunday, 24-Jun-12 19:55:20 UTC from web
    16. @comradeconventrix I'm just saying, if someone set off an EMP above a US army and one above the Russian army, the Russians could be up and running in no time where as the American military needs to find ways to sort out it's technology as it relies so heavily on it

      Sunday, 24-Jun-12 19:56:04 UTC from web
      1. @mrdragon afaik they have emp sheilding on a lot of stuff

        Sunday, 24-Jun-12 19:57:00 UTC from web
        1. @lyrica Against a EMP the size that would be needed to take out a huge platoon or several I don't think it's possible to shield against that size, think nuke above America in Modern Warfare 2 (horrible example but works)

          Sunday, 24-Jun-12 19:58:07 UTC from web
          1. @mrdragon wouldn't know, don't play those games

            Sunday, 24-Jun-12 19:58:33 UTC from web
          2. @mrdragon @comradeconventrix but I do agree

            Sunday, 24-Jun-12 19:59:25 UTC from web
          3. @mrdragon Wouldn't a nuke in orbit send radioactive fallout over the entire western hemisphere as well?

            Sunday, 24-Jun-12 20:00:31 UTC from web
            1. @wafers Yeah, but what I was meaning by that example was a EMP shaped charge in the same way as that nuke (so it wouldn't have the fallout)

              Sunday, 24-Jun-12 20:01:31 UTC from web
          4. @mrdragon the mw2 example that is

            Sunday, 24-Jun-12 20:00:58 UTC from web
        2. @lyrica inbox

          Sunday, 24-Jun-12 19:59:46 UTC from web
    17. @comradeconventrix STOP MAKING ME FEEL STUPID!

      Sunday, 24-Jun-12 20:05:49 UTC from web
    18. @comradeconventrix No, don't apologize. Be proud you actually made Wafers feel stupid. It is a rare thing indeed.

      Sunday, 24-Jun-12 20:12:39 UTC from web
    19. @comradeconventrix I bet it is. Just like assuring a communist that equality is unnatural. I love these debates. xD

      Sunday, 24-Jun-12 20:31:19 UTC from web
      1. @wafers forks are unnatural too.

        Sunday, 24-Jun-12 20:33:50 UTC from web
    20. @comradeconventrix /)

      Sunday, 24-Jun-12 20:34:10 UTC from web
    21. @comradeconventrix @hakupony I mean unnatural in the sense of human nature. Pants are unnatural too.

      Sunday, 24-Jun-12 20:35:15 UTC from web
      1. @wafers "Human nature" or cultural construction? I'd not agree to any fundamental human nature on that level.

        Sunday, 24-Jun-12 20:36:53 UTC from web
        1. @hakupony # /)

          Sunday, 24-Jun-12 20:37:40 UTC from web
        2. @hakupony Cultural construction stems from human nature. To control others, and have a hierarchy. Like Wolf packs for example. There is always an undisputed leader and the leader always gets the first bite of the kill.

          Sunday, 24-Jun-12 20:39:14 UTC from web
          1. @wafers Humans always exist in an enviroment and by changing their enviroment, they change the conditions of their culture. This is why society changes. Your statement implies stagnation - one thing you just claim for no rational reason. Also: as long as equality is undefined, it is pretty much useless to discuss this topic. :)

            Sunday, 24-Jun-12 20:42:34 UTC from web
            1. @hakupony It's kinda useless to discuss this topic either way. It's just good fun to me.

              Sunday, 24-Jun-12 20:46:49 UTC from web
    22. @comradeconventrix It's not changing human nature. I's suppressing it. One can not change thousands of years of primal instinct. All animals have he same fundamental instincts and nature. Humans are no exception, we just attempt to mask it with sentience.

      Sunday, 24-Jun-12 20:41:29 UTC from web
      1. @wafers what are you guys even talking about?

        Sunday, 24-Jun-12 20:42:41 UTC from web