

  1. I've never seen Rocky so from my limited knowledge, I thought his coach (Burgess Meredith) was named Adrian. Imagine my surprise when I heard Adrian and Rocky were married

    Friday, 01-Jul-16 17:55:10 UTC from web
    1. @thelastgherkin When I was young, really young and couldn't see either movie, I thought that Rocky and Rambo were characters in the same film and Rocky was not a boxer but also a gunslinger. It was a very weird blend of all 80's action movies that formed in my head that formed just from hearing rumors and childish imagination.

      Friday, 01-Jul-16 18:11:53 UTC from web
      1. @adiwan That line of thinking gave us The Expendables.

        Friday, 01-Jul-16 18:12:28 UTC from web