

  1. I might need to tone down the sarcasm a bit.

    "Life is Strange was developed using Epic Games' Unreal Engine 3, which means that about half of the game is played without textures. I'm told that, when they do appear, you can see that the textures were all hand-painted. I'm sure that looks lovely. Unfortunately, even at their highest resolutions, the textures look like they were created by smearing banana on a canvas and scanned onto a laptop using a generic HP scanner from Office Depot, only to be imported into MSPaint and converted into a jpeg that's about two pixels wide. All of the posters and pictures you can find in the background throughout the game were lovingly hand-crafted by three year-olds in a kindergarten prep class. The attention to detail in the meshwork is outstanding. In one instance, you can find a cup with four whole polygons."

    Wednesday, 27-Jul-16 23:32:01 UTC from web
    1. @mrmattimation I would love to read that in a monotone voice with a bit of a snarky snarl.
      TThat would be hilarious

      Wednesday, 27-Jul-16 23:32:54 UTC from web