

  1. ..... well, I just made everyone hate me.

    Friday, 29-Jun-12 06:05:14 UTC from web
    1. @cajunbrony23 no one HATES you :/

      Friday, 29-Jun-12 06:05:30 UTC from web
      1. @lyrica I beg to differ

        Friday, 29-Jun-12 06:05:49 UTC from web
        1. @cajunbrony23 then beg, I still say it's not true. That's all

          Friday, 29-Jun-12 06:07:10 UTC from web
          1. @lyrica HA, prove it. I see little to no evdance that I am not hated. I'm being ingored after apolgizeing

            Friday, 29-Jun-12 06:08:16 UTC from web
            1. @cajunbrony23 no, I wasn't ignoring you because it was you. I was ignoring you because I washed my hands of the topic and wanted nothing to do with it. My non-hate of you is what made go ahead and replay. Believe me, you'd know if I hated you

              Friday, 29-Jun-12 06:09:35 UTC from web
              1. @lyrica I'm just trying to apolgize

                Friday, 29-Jun-12 06:11:15 UTC from web
                1. @cajunbrony23 and I already told you I accepted, and then I apologised. Come on man, stop it

                  Friday, 29-Jun-12 06:12:29 UTC from web
                  1. @lyrica ok I'll stop. I'll just drop dead.

                    Friday, 29-Jun-12 06:14:06 UTC from web
                    1. @cajunbrony23 oh please, knock that off :/

                      Friday, 29-Jun-12 06:14:24 UTC from web
                      1. @lyrica why? I've done enough damage.

                        Friday, 29-Jun-12 06:14:56 UTC from web
                        1. @cajunbrony23 Dont wish that man please

                          Friday, 29-Jun-12 06:15:19 UTC from web
                        2. @cajunbrony23 because now you're just being stupid, seriously. Knock it off. No one wants you dead :/

                          Friday, 29-Jun-12 06:15:49 UTC from web
                          1. @lyrica why? if I cant fix this myslf, if I can get on better trems with just one person. then I failed as a human,

                            Friday, 29-Jun-12 06:17:22 UTC from web
                            1. @cajunbrony23 no, as far as I know you've done very little that could even make you remotely bad. Now drop it. And no killing yourself.

                              Friday, 29-Jun-12 06:18:22 UTC from web
                            2. @cajunbrony23 Boy, quit being dramatic about "failing as a human". How does one even fail as a human anyway. Nobody likes someone who only ever feels sorry for himself, so uh... be happy? I'm sorry, I suck at trying to cheer people up. :(

                              Friday, 29-Jun-12 06:18:57 UTC from web
                            3. @cajunbrony23 Dude you dont suck if you did no of us would talk to you.

                              Friday, 29-Jun-12 06:20:18 UTC from web
                        3. @cajunbrony23 if i ever find out you killed yourself ill kill myself

                          Friday, 29-Jun-12 06:16:08 UTC from web
              2. @lyrica Hard to imagine what you'd be like toward someone you hated. You're so friendly and cuddly *hugs*

                Friday, 29-Jun-12 06:11:47 UTC from web
    2. @cajunbrony23 sorry for being nosey.Ill stay out of it.

      Friday, 29-Jun-12 06:06:33 UTC from web
    3. @thatonepony all you do is insult me. yes, you do hate me, dont say you dont, beacous you do

      Friday, 29-Jun-12 06:10:44 UTC from web
    4. @thatonepony why yall dislike him?

      Friday, 29-Jun-12 06:13:18 UTC from web
    5. @thatonepony I can tell, you really want me dead. maybe I shuld just drop dead

      Friday, 29-Jun-12 06:13:32 UTC from web
      1. @cajunbrony23 Hell no,I dont care if I get banned for saying that or not.

        Friday, 29-Jun-12 06:14:08 UTC from web
      2. @cajunbrony23 You the best friend ever ok just because 2 people dont like you dont mean you aint a good person

        Friday, 29-Jun-12 06:14:42 UTC from web