

  1. Finally got to the root of the network issues we had on the weekend. As it turns out there was a leap second this weekend, which caused issues in certain kernels with certain programs. One of our scripts that we use was affected by this bug in the kernel that was running. Only one server was affected by it, and it has since been worked around, but it was definitely an interesting bug to happen at the same time as bronycon and the storms.

    Tuesday, 03-Jul-12 18:05:48 UTC from web
    1. @canternet We had this. Restarting NTPD and the associated services cleared it for us though.

      Tuesday, 03-Jul-12 18:06:27 UTC from web
      1. @ceruleanspark Yeah, I stopped the ntpd, manually set the time, and restarted ntpd. That fixed it as well, but with so many other things going on at the same time, it was hard to pinpoint the problem, especially since it wasn't the server that had the issue that was showing problems.

        Tuesday, 03-Jul-12 18:09:27 UTC from web
        1. @canternet Fortunately, we've only got the one server, and I was actually awake for and aware of the leap-second, so I was sort of expecting some trouble.

          Tuesday, 03-Jul-12 18:10:46 UTC from web
          1. @ceruleanspark Wait, they have leap seconds? i thought those all were put into the one leap day

            Tuesday, 03-Jul-12 18:11:51 UTC from IdentiCurse
            1. @techdisk42 Leap Seconds are a thing, but I'm not sure how they work

              Tuesday, 03-Jul-12 18:16:23 UTC from web
            2. @techdisk42 It's to do with the positioning of the sun in the sky. Which is to say, the relation of the Earth's turn to the speed of it's orbit. Apparently one day is not exactly 24 hours: it's out by a fraction of a second, so sometimes we schedule an extra second every so often.

              Tuesday, 03-Jul-12 18:25:53 UTC from web
          2. @ceruleanspark I wasn't aware of the leap second, and on top of that, I was at a friend's place, and his wireless is... Lackluster to say the least. Not sure how he can stand it since it would go out for 10+ minutes at a time. With the storms as well, I was expecting a few splits from repairing the lines and what not since we have a server in that area, so it didn't seem too unusual.

            Tuesday, 03-Jul-12 18:16:59 UTC from web