

  1. @lyrica you have great live streams.

    Saturday, 07-Jul-12 05:52:55 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    1. @renovatedkitchen eh I dunno

      Saturday, 07-Jul-12 05:53:15 UTC from web
      1. @lyrica I was part of your audience. I loved it. Listen to me, because that's my opinion. Seriously bud.

        Saturday, 07-Jul-12 05:54:00 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
        1. @renovatedkitchen you're only saying that because you like @artisia and her fiance ;P

          Saturday, 07-Jul-12 05:54:43 UTC from web
          1. @lyrica seeing as you were the main commentary and playing the game, I would say its because of you. Although I am jelly that you guys are good siblings.

            Saturday, 07-Jul-12 05:56:07 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
            1. @renovatedkitchen perhaps

              Saturday, 07-Jul-12 05:56:47 UTC from web
              1. @lyrica please don't put yourself down bud. And if my brother got along with me that well....

                Saturday, 07-Jul-12 05:57:39 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                1. @renovatedkitchen oh I don't put myself down. At least I don't intend to

                  Saturday, 07-Jul-12 05:58:37 UTC from web
                  1. @lyrica ah. Kk. Just mean like when you say your vectors are not good and such. You really honestly should be proud of the way they turn out

                    Saturday, 07-Jul-12 06:00:12 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                    1. @renovatedkitchen my problem with them comes from the fact taht they are traced, that's why I feel they suck

                      Saturday, 07-Jul-12 06:00:59 UTC from web
                      1. @lyrica but a good looking pony is a good looking pony in the end. The end product looks darn amazing! And each one for that matter.

                        Saturday, 07-Jul-12 06:02:16 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                        1. @renovatedkitchen eh perhaps. doesn't change the fact I don't like it. That's mainly why I've stopped with the vectoring and moved on to drawing

                          Saturday, 07-Jul-12 06:02:59 UTC from web
                          1. @lyrica hmm. Could I see some of those drawings?

                            Saturday, 07-Jul-12 06:04:06 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                            1. @renovatedkitchen a Wild Cavatina appeared

                              Saturday, 07-Jul-12 06:04:35 UTC from web
                            2. @renovatedkitchen and there's also this, my newest one

                              Saturday, 07-Jul-12 06:05:05 UTC from web
                              1. @lyrica thats prity good ly!!!

                                Saturday, 07-Jul-12 06:06:56 UTC from web
                                1. @toolmanhamm thanks

                                  Saturday, 07-Jul-12 06:08:27 UTC from web
                              2. @lyrica Dwaaa. They look adorable! Who's the pony to the right of lyrica in that second one? Is it hard to draw them?

                                Saturday, 07-Jul-12 06:06:59 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                                1. @renovatedkitchen that's Princess Silverswirl of Generation 2, one of my favorite Tumblrs. depends on the drawing, mainly it's just time consuming, but it feels more personal than vectors do

                                  Saturday, 07-Jul-12 06:08:15 UTC from web
                                  1. @lyrica that's awesome. Keep it up! They look great!! Feeling a personal connection is a great thing ^_^

                                    Saturday, 07-Jul-12 06:10:13 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                                    1. @renovatedkitchen indeed

                                      Saturday, 07-Jul-12 06:10:59 UTC from web
            2. @renovatedkitchen #! Hey buddy! :D

              Saturday, 07-Jul-12 05:58:32 UTC from web
              1. @dlcentaur # hi how are you?

                Saturday, 07-Jul-12 05:58:57 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                1. @renovatedkitchen I'm good! Time moves too fast sometimes...

                  Saturday, 07-Jul-12 06:00:10 UTC from web
                  1. @dlcentaur that it really does :(

                    Saturday, 07-Jul-12 06:00:40 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                    1. @renovatedkitchen Time doesn't really slow down until night for me. :/

                      Saturday, 07-Jul-12 06:01:22 UTC from web
                      1. @dlcentaur time slows down for me when I want it to go by fast.

                        Saturday, 07-Jul-12 06:03:14 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                        1. @renovatedkitchen Like during the final hour of school?

                          Saturday, 07-Jul-12 06:04:42 UTC from web
                          1. @dlcentaur yup. Exactly like that.

                            Saturday, 07-Jul-12 06:07:15 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                            1. @renovatedkitchen x3

                              Saturday, 07-Jul-12 06:08:20 UTC from web
              2. @dlcentaur *starts running toward you* HEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOO *glomp! wanna skype

                Saturday, 07-Jul-12 06:02:05 UTC from StatusNet Android
                1. @fireemblem237 *Gets glomped* SURE *-*

                  Saturday, 07-Jul-12 06:04:18 UTC from web
          2. @lyrica I love these pictures of your OC so much.

            Saturday, 07-Jul-12 06:12:43 UTC from web
    2. @thatonepony a bro you say?

      Saturday, 07-Jul-12 05:56:54 UTC from web
    3. @thatonepony I'll take that as a compliment?

      Saturday, 07-Jul-12 05:58:57 UTC from web
    4. @thatonepony thing is, with text especially, you can never tell when it's sarcasm, ya know?

      Saturday, 07-Jul-12 06:00:32 UTC from web
    5. @thatonepony I'll let her know you said that :D

      Saturday, 07-Jul-12 06:02:28 UTC from web
    6. @renovatedkitchen Wait, @lyrica was streaming and I missed it? :<

      Saturday, 07-Jul-12 06:18:07 UTC from MuSTArDroid