

  1. Honestly I'm a little disappointed with all the blatant disrespect you guys are showing each other tonight. Ya'll need to learn to just hate each other in silence, like civilized human beings.

    Friday, 11-Nov-16 02:48:24 UTC from web
    1. @razzleberry believe me, I'm working on it. people like me need to, for practicality's sake.

      Friday, 11-Nov-16 02:49:32 UTC from web
      1. @rarity Oh I'm definitely not singling you out at all. I just don't like how as soon as a little quarrel breaks out here, everyone rushes to start throwing fuel on the fire.

        Friday, 11-Nov-16 02:55:24 UTC from web
        1. @razzleberry there is almost 6 years of drama and politicking built into this network, and everyone remembers everyone that has ever slighted them. THAT is why things can flare up quickly.

          Friday, 11-Nov-16 02:56:51 UTC from web
          1. @rarity Yeah, I realize that, and I realize a lot of people here have good reasons to hate each other.

            For example I still have never forgiven Matt for that really offensive thing he said about me in 2014. You know the one.

            I gave up on "let's all get along" long ago. Now I just want "Please hate each other more quietly."

            Friday, 11-Nov-16 02:59:37 UTC from web
            1. @razzleberry listen here

              Friday, 11-Nov-16 03:00:00 UTC from web
            2. @razzleberry it's not all that bad. For the most part we CAN get along. Just... politics really run the whole spectrum here.

              Friday, 11-Nov-16 03:00:24 UTC from web