Based on the fact I wanted to go to bed two hours ago, I deduce I should propably go to bed now. it was a nice evening and I hope we'll talk again )
Wednesday, 11-Jul-12 00:56:28 UTC from web-
@hakupony g'night!
Wednesday, 11-Jul-12 00:57:25 UTC from web -
@hakupony I wish I was here to talk :c anyway, goodnight~ ^_^
@derpyshy Hey, I will be online tomorrow evvening again. @mushi I heard that the influence of religion on the Brazian society is growing - esecially from super-conservervative evangelist churches. Really sucks... @yorkiebrony Can't you do your master in pedagogics and do research about the use of animals for that stuff? There is few high-qualified personell in that field (as well as few scientific knowledge)
Wednesday, 11-Jul-12 01:03:10 UTC from web-
@hakupony yes, that sucks for a science student like me xD. see you tomorrow
Wednesday, 11-Jul-12 01:04:54 UTC from web -
@hakupony I don't know why, but I'm interested :D
@hakupony Well, I already have a MSc and almost a PhD. Theory I have enough, but practical experience... Also, getting funding for yet another Masters... Besides, not everybody with a PhD ends up in academia. It is through the PhD that I discovered my love for (working with) horses and ponies. I looked into the possibility of doing an Anthrozoology MA in Exeter. However, I fear adding another degree to my list would be a handicap. You would be surprised to see how many highly-qualified anthrozoologists there are. Just do a search for the Anthrozoös Journal. Anyway, there is a 2nd reason why I leave academia: I don't like to live a life doing job applications every 1 or 2 years. The more I work with people the more I long to be in the stables. Despite being a sociologist I have huge difficulties interpreting human body language, but no problem with horses. This is also why I am more and more convinced my future is somewhere with the horses, and hopefully with Equine Assisted Therapy.
Wednesday, 11-Jul-12 20:45:36 UTC from web-
@yorkiebrony 'll look into it later. Today, I am stupid :)
Wednesday, 11-Jul-12 20:54:12 UTC from web