

  1. Build that wall and build it strong, 'cause we'll be there before too long.

    Thursday, 12-Jul-12 18:05:44 UTC from web
    1. @toksyuryel I set my sail, fly, the winds they may take me, back to my home, sweet home.

      Thursday, 12-Jul-12 18:09:50 UTC from web
      1. @bitshift I love the music in this game [b]SO MUCH[/b].

        Thursday, 12-Jul-12 18:11:17 UTC from web
      2. @bitshift I take your hand, now you'll never be lonely; not when I'm home, sweet home~

        Thursday, 12-Jul-12 18:13:49 UTC from web
        1. @toksyuryel Strangely, my favourite song is actually one which I've not yet encountered in the game itself: The Pantheon (Ain't Gonna Catch You). It's on the soundtrack album, but I can't say I remember ever hearing it in-game.

          Thursday, 12-Jul-12 18:16:12 UTC from web
          1. @bitshift It's not in the game or even included in the sound files with the game. It was created for the soundtrack.

            Thursday, 12-Jul-12 18:16:51 UTC from web
          2. @bitshift Its in the end of the game #

            Thursday, 12-Jul-12 18:16:51 UTC from web
            1. @rozeluck Huh? I've completed it via all four ending paths (2 choices with 2 options = 4 possible paths), and I'm pretty sure it's always "Setting Sail, Coming Home".

              Thursday, 12-Jul-12 18:18:12 UTC from web
              1. @bitshift Oh well... i heard somewhere in the end of the game i dont remember when

                Thursday, 12-Jul-12 18:20:25 UTC from web
              2. @bitshift Choosing to nonaqba Mhys and then rinphngr has got to be the biggest dick move I can imagine. #

                Thursday, 12-Jul-12 18:21:21 UTC from web
                1. @toksyuryel Pretty much. I almost didn't go through with that one because I felt so bad. As far as my thoughts on it go, the optimum path is [sp]fnir Mhys naq rinphngr[/sp]. #

                  Thursday, 12-Jul-12 18:22:52 UTC from web
                  1. @bitshift I have to agree with that, and it's what I did my first time through. Gur fprar juvyr lbh'er pneelvat Mhys onpx vf irel cbjreshy, rfcrpvnyyl jura gung bar thl fgnegf gb fubbg ng lbh naq trgf fubg va gur onpx ol nabgure thl sbe vg. #

                    Thursday, 12-Jul-12 18:24:56 UTC from web
                    1. @toksyuryel Yeah. [sp]Gur jubyr guvat jurer gurl fgbc fubbgvat jura lbhe urnygu ehaf ybj ernyyl tbg zr - V'q nyernql erfvtarq zlfrys gb qlvat vs gung jnf jung gur Xvq unq gb qb gb fnir Mhys. Nf sbe gur bgure raqvatf; nalguvat+erfrg vf fhobcgvzny gb zr, orpnhfr V unir ab ernfba gb oryvrir vg jbhyq ghea bhg nal qvssrerag, tvira vg'f urnivyl vzcyvrq gung abobql jvyy erzrzore nalguvat gung unccrarq va guvf gvzryvar. Naq yvxr lbh fnvq, yrnivat ohg jvgubhg Mhys vf whfg n qvpx zbir.[/sp] #

                      Thursday, 12-Jul-12 18:28:43 UTC from web
                      1. @bitshift Wtf

                        Thursday, 12-Jul-12 18:30:39 UTC from web
                        1. @nixter ?

                          Thursday, 12-Jul-12 18:31:03 UTC from web
                          1. @bitshift [sp]Gur jubyr guvat jurer gurl fgbc fubbgvat jura lbhe urnygu ehaf ybj ernyyl tbg zr - V'q nyernql erfvtarq zlfrys gb qlvat vs gung jnf jung gur Xvq unq gb qb gb fnir Mhys. Nf sbe gur bgure raqvatf; nalguvat+erfrg vf fhobcgvzny gb zr, orpnhfr V unir ab ernfba gb oryvrir vg jbhyq ghea bhg nal qvssrerag, tvira vg'f urnivyl vzcyvrq gung abobql jvyy erzrzore nalguvat gung unccrarq va guvf gvzryvar. Naq yvxr lbh fnvq, yrnivat ohg jvgubhg Mhys vf whfg n qvpx zbir.[/sp] #

                            Thursday, 12-Jul-12 18:31:37 UTC from web
                            1. @nixter You... just repeated what I said?

                              Thursday, 12-Jul-12 18:33:46 UTC from web
                              1. @bitshift Can you explain all the random wepjpsigblsid

                                Thursday, 12-Jul-12 18:35:55 UTC from web
                      2. @bitshift Vs lbh pubbfr gb erfrg, V nz gbyq lbh trg arj qvnybthr va gur arj tnzr cyhf gung fhttrfgf vg qvq wnpx nyy gb cerirag gur pnynzvgl. V'ir lrg gb npghnyyl pubbfr gung bcgvba lrg gubhtu fb V pna'g irevsl gung ng guvf gvzr. #

                        Thursday, 12-Jul-12 18:31:07 UTC from web
                        1. @toksyuryel [sp]Gung zvtug whfg or gur fgnaqneq Arj Tnzr+ qvnybthr. Rira va zl svefg eha - fnir/rinphngr - gur erfhygvat Arj Tnzr+ unq Ehpxf fnl fbzr inevbhf guvatf yvxr "Jnvg. Qvqa'g V fnl gung nyernql?".[/sp] #

                          Thursday, 12-Jul-12 18:33:19 UTC from web
                          1. @bitshift WHAT IS WITH THE RANDOM F NSPOIHPOIFUHS

                            Thursday, 12-Jul-12 18:33:45 UTC from web
                            1. @nixter Oh, I see. It's rot13'd, so as not to reveal the spoilers contained within, unless someone reading it willingly deciphers it. Both of the major auto-refreshers for RDN have the little key button (at least I think it's a key in both; it certainly is in !mintrefresh) to decipher rot13'd text.

                              Thursday, 12-Jul-12 18:35:39 UTC from web
                              1. @bitshift Ah, rot13. Derp.

                                Thursday, 12-Jul-12 18:36:14 UTC from web
                              2. @bitshift Oh, thanks!

                                Thursday, 12-Jul-12 18:36:32 UTC from web
                                1. @nixter :P

                                  Thursday, 12-Jul-12 18:36:54 UTC from web
                                  1. @omni Ok now I understand!

                                    Thursday, 12-Jul-12 18:37:23 UTC from web
                          2. @bitshift Hm, dunno then. Still, it makes sense to me that choosing gb erfrg should always result in a #

                            Thursday, 12-Jul-12 18:37:00 UTC from web
                            1. @toksyuryel Yeah. I've thought it over quite a bit, and my conclusion always comes back to [sp]"abguvat pna punatr"[/sp]. #

                              Thursday, 12-Jul-12 18:38:05 UTC from web
      3. @bitshift Listen all this takes some time getting used to. and you do get used to it. after a while. There's three things I'll always miss though. One. Not having to watch my step all the time. Two. Well, forget about two. And three, I miss the songs.

        Thursday, 12-Jul-12 18:14:13 UTC from web