

  1. Tbh I think people were meaner on the internet ten years ago. Now if you want to insult someone you just call them fat on Twitter. Before, people on sites like Newgrounds would team up to create entire 20-minute hate videos about users they didn't like.

    Saturday, 28-Jan-17 12:52:09 UTC from web
    1. @mrmattimation It might have something to do with the fact that these days you can just make a video game and /someone/ out there will have a problem with it. It seems that everyone these days every stranger on the Internet is ultra sensitive to anything. And humans are inherently lazy, why make a 20 minute hate video about that person you dislike when just opening the book of super short insults at a random page, tweet that to them, and have pretty much the same result ?

      Saturday, 28-Jan-17 13:00:18 UTC from web
    2. @mrmattimation back then it was quality over quantity, now it is the other way round

      Saturday, 28-Jan-17 13:25:05 UTC from web