

  1. I saw this ugly creature shrieking for about 2 and a half min. it was so awful I remember feeling like throwing up. the noises that assaulted my ears left me stunned and disgusted. I remember losing hope in life itself that the world could allow such a sick thing to exist. it was the day that I knew god was dead. that there was only evil left in this universe. it was the first time I heard nicki minaj

    Tuesday, 17-Jul-12 11:27:00 UTC from web
    1. @purplephish20 You people and your hatred against music you don't like...

      Tuesday, 17-Jul-12 11:28:14 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      1. @derpyshy cute avvie!

        Tuesday, 17-Jul-12 11:28:38 UTC from web
        1. @pony Thanks ^-^ Do you want one? :3

          Tuesday, 17-Jul-12 11:32:57 UTC from MuSTArDroid
          1. @derpyshy I'm interested in the original pic and/or the pic of your OC. That'd be nice! :)

            Tuesday, 17-Jul-12 11:34:04 UTC from web
            1. @pony Hehe, I'll give ypu this now, and then I can find the original, when I get to my laptop :3

              Tuesday, 17-Jul-12 11:38:52 UTC from MuSTArDroid
              1. @derpyshy Thanks! :D

                Tuesday, 17-Jul-12 11:40:12 UTC from web
                1. @pony No problem :) What do you need it for, if you don't mind me asking? :3

                  Tuesday, 17-Jul-12 11:49:13 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                  1. @derpyshy I like to collect OC pics sometimes. I have a decent size !ponyfolder

                    Tuesday, 17-Jul-12 11:50:10 UTC from web
                    1. @pony hehe, then here you have @iluvzfluttershy too :3

                      Tuesday, 17-Jul-12 11:53:38 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                      1. @derpyshy I didn't see yours yet actually. I looked through your notices and still don't see it. Thanks though :D

                        Tuesday, 17-Jul-12 11:55:27 UTC from web
                        1. @pony oh XD here!

                          Tuesday, 17-Jul-12 11:57:12 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                          1. @derpyshy thanks again!

                            Tuesday, 17-Jul-12 11:57:35 UTC from web
                          2. @derpyshy I want a pic like that Sindre :3

                            Tuesday, 17-Jul-12 12:19:10 UTC from web
                            1. @cavatina The Great Princess wants me to make her a hugscreen-pony? :o Yes, your highness! ^-^

                              Tuesday, 17-Jul-12 12:22:43 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                              1. @derpyshy Yes please x3 And i'm not a princess~

                                Tuesday, 17-Jul-12 12:22:56 UTC from web
                                1. @cavatina You are the princess of our hearts *plays cheesy music*

                                  Tuesday, 17-Jul-12 12:24:06 UTC from web
                                  1. @hakupony X3

                                    Tuesday, 17-Jul-12 12:25:01 UTC from web
                                2. @cavatina Why, yes you are~ <3 *kneels*

                                  Tuesday, 17-Jul-12 12:25:14 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                                  1. @derpyshy *blushes lots* x3

                                    Tuesday, 17-Jul-12 12:25:39 UTC from web
                                    1. @cavatina Will The Princess accept my wubs?

                                      Tuesday, 17-Jul-12 12:27:30 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                                      1. @derpyshy Yes!

                                        Tuesday, 17-Jul-12 12:31:05 UTC from web
                                        1. @cavatina *flips you* >:3

                                          Tuesday, 17-Jul-12 12:35:18 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                                          1. @derpyshy :3

                                            Tuesday, 17-Jul-12 12:35:27 UTC from web
                                            1. @cavatina *wubs yor tummy* <3

                                              Tuesday, 17-Jul-12 12:38:53 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                                              1. @derpyshy ^.^

                                                Tuesday, 17-Jul-12 12:45:52 UTC from web
                                                1. @cavatina The list of requests is getting big :3 *licks*

                                                  Tuesday, 17-Jul-12 12:47:53 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                                                  1. @derpyshy I can haz monitor pic? (and the juice box pic I know already exists)

                                                    Tuesday, 17-Jul-12 12:49:15 UTC from web
                                                    1. @purplephish20 At the time I was making that one, I had NO experience with making horns, but now that I (sorta) do, I'll finally get to it :3 it should be done by today ^.^ and yes, you can have a monitorhug-pony :3 thanks to @Ditsydoo for posting that picture x3

                                                      Tuesday, 17-Jul-12 12:52:51 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                                                2. @cavatina *joins in the tummywubbing*

                                                  Tuesday, 17-Jul-12 12:48:01 UTC from web
                    2. @pony by the way, @iluvzfluttershy's right (my right) hoof doesn't have the little screen-pressing-spot. It was accidentally placed on the layer below :s I'll give you the fixed version later :3

                      Tuesday, 17-Jul-12 11:58:36 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                      1. @derpyshy okidoke Sounds good

                        Tuesday, 17-Jul-12 12:01:50 UTC from web