

  1. It's convenient that I was gonna consider getting a tattoo if some of my friends would do it and it turns out we're all in that boat

    Saturday, 15-Apr-17 21:58:42 UTC from web
    1. @tiffany kek

      Saturday, 15-Apr-17 21:59:03 UTC from web
    2. @tiffany i kept getting heckled for not getting a tattoo in the old days. Nowadays it's like some people are surprised I don't have one.

      Saturday, 15-Apr-17 22:15:01 UTC from web
      1. @awl you look the type lol

        Saturday, 15-Apr-17 22:16:45 UTC from web
        1. @tiffany yeah. Too bad my parents drilled some stupid archaic laws into my psyche

          Saturday, 15-Apr-17 22:18:10 UTC from web
          1. @awl my mum just told me not to get one on my foot cuz it hurts like a Fluffle Puff

            Saturday, 15-Apr-17 22:19:18 UTC from web
            1. @tiffany same for neck or webbing of fingers.

              Saturday, 15-Apr-17 22:19:58 UTC from web
              1. @awl I'm pretty set on the ol' arms

                Saturday, 15-Apr-17 22:20:46 UTC from web
                1. @tiffany forearm makes you more of a man

                  Saturday, 15-Apr-17 22:21:22 UTC from web
                  1. @awl especially if you shave it i hear

                    Saturday, 15-Apr-17 22:21:56 UTC from web
                    1. @tiffany were I to do that I'd also get both arms. No sodding way I'm going to have uneven arm hair or none at all.

                      Saturday, 15-Apr-17 22:23:23 UTC from web
                      1. @awl it's a slippery slope that may leave you totally hairless

                        Saturday, 15-Apr-17 22:25:14 UTC from web
                        1. @tiffany body hair is my compensation for the baldness

                          Saturday, 15-Apr-17 22:27:09 UTC from web
                          1. @awl I almost wanna go the opposite way but there's not enough time in the day

                            Saturday, 15-Apr-17 22:27:46 UTC from web
                            1. @tiffany well Nina also really likes it so in effort to be liked

                              Saturday, 15-Apr-17 22:28:39 UTC from web
                              1. @awl that's pretty homosexual my dude

                                Saturday, 15-Apr-17 22:29:03 UTC from web
                                1. @tiffany when in Rome, you give guys dome

                                  Saturday, 15-Apr-17 22:30:11 UTC from web
                                  1. @awl dome

                                    Saturday, 15-Apr-17 22:33:10 UTC from web
                                  2. @awl @tiffany

                                    When in Rome, you build a road and get your neighbours to pay for it. ;)

                                    Saturday, 15-Apr-17 22:36:18 UTC from
                                    1. @sim Rome wasn't built with a small loan of a million dollars

                                      Saturday, 15-Apr-17 22:37:22 UTC from web