

  1. !sk I managed to make it pretty far soloing into FSC today. Got at least halfway through the fourth floor before I died this time. Three trojans at once turned out to be just a bit too much for me to handle on my own, even with a shivermist.

    Sunday, 29-Jul-12 12:04:31 UTC from web
    1. @toksyuryel I have no idea what shivermist actually is (without looking it up), but it certainly [i]sounds[/i] sexy. :)

      Sunday, 29-Jul-12 12:05:31 UTC from web
      1. @bitshift *giggles* oh you~ :P it's the bomb that creates a large "freeze" status effect area around it. Quite handy for dealing with trojans when you're solo.

        Sunday, 29-Jul-12 12:07:12 UTC from web
        1. @toksyuryel From that description, I can see why. :)

          Sunday, 29-Jul-12 12:08:09 UTC from web
        2. @toksyuryel ... Want.

          Sunday, 29-Jul-12 12:08:14 UTC from web
        3. @toksyuryel Also, I think I'll be hopping on for a bit to do some non-run stuff; I'm tired enough that I'd just mess up on runs, but I figure I might as well do something with my mist since I _know_ it must've hit 100 by now.

          Sunday, 29-Jul-12 12:10:22 UTC from web
          1. @bitshift Sounds like a good excuse to do a little ragecrafting.

            Sunday, 29-Jul-12 12:18:35 UTC from web
            1. @toksyuryel As long as you're willing to give me a quick intro to what I can/can't do so far (ideally stuff that will stand a decent chance of being profitable and/or fun), sure, why not?

              Sunday, 29-Jul-12 12:21:30 UTC from web
              1. @bitshift Profiting from ragecrafting ultimately comes down to pure luck, and statistically spending your mist actually going down into the clockworks will always give the best profit ratio.

                Sunday, 29-Jul-12 12:23:20 UTC from web
                1. @toksyuryel Well then, guess I'll focus on maximizing the fun if I can't do it for fun _and_ profit. :P

                  Sunday, 29-Jul-12 12:24:25 UTC from web
      2. @bitshift mist that shivers? Huh.

        Sunday, 29-Jul-12 12:08:38 UTC from MuSTArDroid
        1. @firestormdangerdash whenever I hear "shiver" this comes to mind:

          Sunday, 29-Jul-12 12:10:55 UTC from web
          1. @hakupony I learned something today. Like I saw that show once.

            Sunday, 29-Jul-12 12:12:50 UTC from MuSTArDroid
            1. @firestormdangerdash Muppets 4tw :)

              Sunday, 29-Jul-12 12:13:28 UTC from web
    2. @toksyuryel what game is that?

      Sunday, 29-Jul-12 12:09:11 UTC from web
    3. @toksyuryel nvm i see

      Sunday, 29-Jul-12 12:09:40 UTC from web
    4. @toksyuryel FSC?

      Sunday, 29-Jul-12 12:10:49 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      1. @firestormdangerdash Firestorm Citadel

        Sunday, 29-Jul-12 12:19:52 UTC from web
        1. @toksyuryel for a second I was thinkin you where complimenting me. Lol.

          Sunday, 29-Jul-12 20:36:51 UTC from MuSTArDroid