

  1. The Cabal has arrived.

    Monday, 04-Apr-11 23:23:56 UTC from web
    1. @widget *shrugs*

      Sunday, 29-Jul-12 23:51:11 UTC from web
    2. @widget And you want to find out by asking at RDN. Makes sense.

      Sunday, 29-Jul-12 23:52:57 UTC from web
    3. @widget I really haven't heard anypony talk about it.

      Sunday, 29-Jul-12 23:53:00 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    4. @widget They pretty much do. The last time I tried to invite somebody popular here they laughed at me and thought I was joking.

      Sunday, 29-Jul-12 23:53:24 UTC from web
      1. @toksyuryel And why do we havethat kind of reputation?

        Sunday, 29-Jul-12 23:54:10 UTC from web
        1. @hakupony They either used to be here themselves or heard about it from people who were.

          Sunday, 29-Jul-12 23:55:21 UTC from web
          1. @toksyuryel They likely saw what it was like when cabal ran it and wrote us off after. :/

            Sunday, 29-Jul-12 23:56:17 UTC from web
            1. @redenchilada That would be a major part of the reason, although I think a further reason would be that they can sense the apathy and the hostility here. And perhaps even more than that, this place gives off the impression of a community that is very tightly regulated and controlled, when they're really just after the same thing I was- a brony version of twitter. They are all on twitter as it is, so we're not giving them any good incentives to come here. Even the one member of show staff we attracted abruptly stopped posting here very soon after he started.

              Monday, 30-Jul-12 00:00:48 UTC from web
              1. @toksyuryel We try not to be hostile around here. :c I suppose some of the bickering that's happened around here as of late has given off that vibe, though.

                Monday, 30-Jul-12 00:02:29 UTC from web
                1. @redenchilada At least from where I'm sitting, I see a lot of hostility directed towards the fandom, and a lot of apathy directed towards the various jimmy rustlers we seem to have accrued.

                  Monday, 30-Jul-12 00:07:39 UTC from web
                  1. @toksyuryel Ok, I'll admit we talk a lot of smack about the fandom in general. But heck, a lot of people do that. I think a lot of the problem is the fact that getting involved in the community seems to be a crapshoot; either you join when the crowd is on and you get a bunch of conversation going, or you join at a bad time and nobody cares - or worse, you get flooded with greetings and get scared off. Because I've seen enough good things said about the fandom on here that it wouldn't be an exclusive cause. (Boy, I went off on a tangent. This is all gonna look like garbled thoughts when I post it.)

                    Monday, 30-Jul-12 00:12:45 UTC from web
              2. @toksyuryel You know... that makes me honnestlysad.

                Monday, 30-Jul-12 00:04:19 UTC from web
    5. @widget Doomed?

      Sunday, 29-Jul-12 23:57:14 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    6. @widget Well, considering cabal threw mods out like candy, I suppose they just figured we were a joke. :/

      Sunday, 29-Jul-12 23:58:38 UTC from web
      1. @redenchilada s/mods/mod status/

        Sunday, 29-Jul-12 23:59:22 UTC from web
    7. @widget You're right. Defiantly not enough Trixie today.

      Sunday, 29-Jul-12 23:59:53 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    8. @widget Just that cabal modded _literally everyone_. I brought the place up to Levels once and the main thing he mentioned was "hehe I'm not a mod any more". :/

      Monday, 30-Jul-12 00:03:53 UTC from web
      1. @redenchilada Wait, we didn't have /that/ many mods did we??

        Monday, 30-Jul-12 00:04:37 UTC from web
    9. @widget That guy who makes the poppy pony music. All Levels at Once. That guy. Went by @mox on here, I believe.

      Monday, 30-Jul-12 00:06:30 UTC from web
    10. @widget I think the main problem is the place gives off a lot of Twitter vibes, and everyone compares it to that anyway.

      Monday, 30-Jul-12 00:08:00 UTC from web
    11. @widget Yeah, and they don't like that. It keeps the main bulk of the fandom away from here, so all we end up seeing are the fringes. Only reason I'm still here is because I can't bring myself to use twitter anymore now that I know my tweets are for sale, and I needed *something* to replace it.

      Monday, 30-Jul-12 00:12:11 UTC from web
      1. @toksyuryel I'm here because I made friends here.

        Monday, 30-Jul-12 00:14:22 UTC from web
    12. @widget it's not very good.

      Monday, 30-Jul-12 00:14:49 UTC from web
    13. @widget Sorry, but it's true =/ have had one hoof out the door for a long time now. There's just nowhere else to go. So I tolerate it, and hope against hope that it actually gets better here. But I should stop talking about this now, before somepony thinks I'm saying something I'm not.

      Monday, 30-Jul-12 00:21:31 UTC from web
      1. @toksyuryel I honestly don't see us as any more negative than any other pony site I go to, though. We complain about the fandom as a whole quite often, yeah, but there's plenty of positive discussion too.

        Monday, 30-Jul-12 00:28:29 UTC from web
    14. @widget And everyone complains whenever we talk about technical things. But seriously, let's not talk about this anymore. I was having a good morning.

      Monday, 30-Jul-12 00:26:09 UTC from web
    15. @widget I don't even see their posts, so they aren't the ones I was talking about.

      Monday, 30-Jul-12 00:27:50 UTC from web
    16. @woona I like technical discussions myself - becuse stuff I don't fully understand intriques me :3

      Monday, 30-Jul-12 00:28:08 UTC from web