

  1. The Cabal has arrived.

    Monday, 04-Apr-11 23:23:56 UTC from web
    1. @darkw00d if you dont know anything call me on skype

      Friday, 03-Aug-12 07:06:21 UTC from web
    2. @darkw00d gamepads exist for computers, yes

      Friday, 03-Aug-12 07:13:44 UTC from web
    3. @darkw00d Any way is fine really. Skype is easy enough. I'm pony.sparkle

      Friday, 03-Aug-12 07:26:17 UTC from web
    4. @darkw00d It depends on the controller. Wired 360 controllers (and quite a few third-party PS3 wired controllers) can plug into a USB port on a computer and work fine. Wireless 360 controllers can be used with a seperate dongle purchase. I dunno how to connect a wireless PS3 controller, but I believe it's been done before. Any other console controller with a proprietary plug will need an adapter. And for the most part, controllers that plug in via USB will work without needing a driver.

      Friday, 03-Aug-12 07:46:30 UTC from web