

  1. # I want to go back to bed, I feel weak, like a sponge. while my mind is on a rampage... thoughts racing through my mind like a fudgeing racetrack on pills... I need someone to rant to, someone who just sits there and nods... and afterwards huggles me and say "its going to be ohkay" *sighs* and its not even 15:00 ( 3 PM ) ... [/EndOfRant] ... so how is everyone else doing today ?

    Thursday, 09-Jun-11 12:51:08 UTC from web
    1. @critialcloudkicker im doing well. it sounds like you got a lot on your mind

      Thursday, 09-Jun-11 12:53:02 UTC from web
      1. @madflavors nah, its just that my mind goes again where my body cant go and thus I am a bit depressed but the waterfall of thoughts about it from my mind doesnt stop...

        Thursday, 09-Jun-11 12:54:55 UTC from web
    2. @critialcloudkicker Aw, you know we're always here for you if you gotta vent. @madflavors Just fine. Browsing EqD. And I'm gonna go out skating soon. :) You?

      Thursday, 09-Jun-11 12:53:15 UTC from web
      1. @flaxx ooo skating sounds like fun. im just doing the same haven't been on EqD in a bit looking at all the stuff thats going on.

        Thursday, 09-Jun-11 12:57:29 UTC from web
        1. @madflavors Yep. ^_^ Heh, sometimes I actually have a hard time keeping up with EqD. Confound these bronies, they're too productive! @thelastgherkin Sounds like a good idea! :D

          Thursday, 09-Jun-11 13:00:20 UTC from web
          1. @flaxx i know right. god forbid i miss more than two big updates then i'll have enough reading to eat my whole day.

            Thursday, 09-Jun-11 13:02:43 UTC from web
    3. @critialcloudkicker I can sit here and nod it you need me to! The hugs with have to be virtual, though. :)

      Thursday, 09-Jun-11 12:55:19 UTC from web
      1. @thelastgherkin heh, yea, the waterfall of thoughts from my mind is so completely random that I would loze my head if I tried to type it down ( not to mention you and I would get a headace ) ... so I'll just suck it up I guess :) no worries, I am sure I can do it :)

        Thursday, 09-Jun-11 12:57:32 UTC from web
        1. @critialcloudkicker If you're sure. !hughug Remember you've always got your bronies if you need anything! :)

          Thursday, 09-Jun-11 13:12:13 UTC from web
      2. @thelastgherkin That whole dash was a spelling error and you ought to be ashamed of yourself.

        Thursday, 09-Jun-11 12:58:04 UTC from web