

  1. The Cabal has arrived.

    Monday, 04-Apr-11 23:23:56 UTC from web
    1. @widget I think having you as owner/co-owner would be great! Cerulean might actually begin to enjoy himself here again.

      Saturday, 11-Aug-12 06:19:09 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    2. @widget the site is in the hands of ceruleanspark and mrdragon.

      Saturday, 11-Aug-12 06:22:47 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
      1. @cabal Not anymore. MrDragon left after a flamewar caused by his fiancee.

        Saturday, 11-Aug-12 06:23:25 UTC from IdentiCurse
      2. @cabal Just Cerulean, actually. Dragon left a while ago.

        Saturday, 11-Aug-12 06:23:29 UTC from IdentiCurse
        1. @redenchilada @nerthos I was wondering where he'd gone off to! I missed him. Flame war you say? Why? Was it really that bad?

          Saturday, 11-Aug-12 06:25:50 UTC from MuSTArDroid
          1. @pony I wasn't here while it happened, but as far as I've gathered, Tavi freaked out into a bigot rage claiming that cloppers were basically the worst thing alive etc etc.

            Saturday, 11-Aug-12 06:27:35 UTC from IdentiCurse
            1. @nerthos again with the clop arguments.. I really fail to see why ponies are so passionate about that.

              Saturday, 11-Aug-12 06:29:28 UTC from MuSTArDroid
              1. @pony I could go into a 30 minutes explanation about it, but it's not the place nor the time. Let's just say that people are idiots.

                Saturday, 11-Aug-12 06:30:29 UTC from IdentiCurse
                1. @nerthos @widget I'm just surprised. It seems like such a trivial thing, but then, I'm not the one paying for stuff or moderating. *sigh* Will miss @mrdragon.

                  Saturday, 11-Aug-12 06:34:03 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                  1. @pony I can't get into a real job right now, and have no way of sending money over the internet, so I'm in no position of paying for this. Otherwise I would gladly do it.

                    Saturday, 11-Aug-12 06:36:06 UTC from IdentiCurse
                    1. @nerthos I have barely enough income to pay bills. I'd also pay for it if I could. Maybe if I sit down and look at my finances I'll find something to spare..

                      Saturday, 11-Aug-12 06:39:31 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                      1. @pony I'm in a good economical situation, but I don't know for how long. And also I can't just give a handful of cash to Cerulean face to face. That last thing is my main problem.

                        Saturday, 11-Aug-12 06:41:48 UTC from IdentiCurse
                        1. @nerthos hmm. So no online payment methods you say? Not even bitcoins?

                          Saturday, 11-Aug-12 06:43:59 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                          1. @pony I don't even know how to use bitcoins. But I have no bank account and I want to stay away from them.

                            Saturday, 11-Aug-12 06:45:03 UTC from IdentiCurse
                            1. @nerthos bitcoin requires no bank account, just a digital wallet that you install. I know it's a popular choice with those who wish not to leave any paper trail. There's info on it on wikipedia and google I think..

                              Saturday, 11-Aug-12 06:49:11 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                              1. @pony As far as I know, you have to earn bitcoins by prostituting your CPU, for a lack of a better description.

                                Saturday, 11-Aug-12 06:51:00 UTC from IdentiCurse
                                1. @nerthos don't bother, gangs have purchased high level servers installed with high end graphics cards to crank out bit coins.

                                  Saturday, 11-Aug-12 06:53:06 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                                  1. @cabal I don't plan to do. I like to operate only in cash, and earn it working, something at least for me far more fun than leaving a server running.

                                    Saturday, 11-Aug-12 06:54:47 UTC from IdentiCurse
                                2. @nerthos I think you can purchase bitcoins with cash, but I'm not sure and I don't feel like looking it up. :P

                                  Saturday, 11-Aug-12 07:00:20 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                                  1. @pony Yeah, but how, without getting into online payment?

                                    Saturday, 11-Aug-12 07:01:11 UTC from IdentiCurse
                                    1. @nerthos I'll look it up when I'm not so tired. I might be wrong about the cash thing..

                                      Saturday, 11-Aug-12 07:02:42 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                              2. @pony let's not do that, you still need money to buy bit coins and is only used to make transactions privet and secret.

                                Saturday, 11-Aug-12 06:51:03 UTC from StatusNet iPhone