

  1. Hiya everypony, hows it going? C:

    Friday, 10-Jun-11 20:21:02 UTC from web
    1. @miloth going good G how about you

      Friday, 10-Jun-11 20:22:30 UTC from web
      1. @theawesomepony Glad to hear that, just drinking coke and listening to some songs.

        Friday, 10-Jun-11 20:26:17 UTC from web
        1. @miloth ok cool ill be back in a bit later

          Friday, 10-Jun-11 20:27:00 UTC from web
    2. @miloth Ohai. Everything's fine with my. Been drawing a lot today, which is great. I feel so motivated. ^_^ @redenchilada Nicely done! Can't say I'm a Photo Finish fan, but it's a nice piece of art nonetheless. :)

      Friday, 10-Jun-11 20:22:47 UTC from web
      1. @flaxx Glad to hear that! I just made a rainbowdash drawing but I couldn't receive the drawing because my teacher took it and will give it back on monday.

        Friday, 10-Jun-11 20:25:44 UTC from web
        1. @miloth Teachers be stealing pony drawings now, eh? Well, when you get it back, you should throw it up on dA or something and show us. :D @rnbwdashiswin Oh. Well, I hope it gets better soon. And good to hear we're not an issue. I hope we can at least make you feel a little better. ^_^

          Friday, 10-Jun-11 20:34:10 UTC from web
          1. @flaxx Yes, but I mean I was doing it for a Greek mythology English lesson and we were supposed to draw something so I drew a VERY bad Phil, and way better Rainbow Dash, but he needed to keep it to grade it and return it to me.

            Friday, 10-Jun-11 20:35:57 UTC from web
            1. @miloth Yeah, I didn't think the teacher was actually stealing your drawings. :P

              Friday, 10-Jun-11 20:38:33 UTC from web
              1. @flaxx or did he?

                Friday, 10-Jun-11 20:39:21 UTC from web
                1. @miloth DUN DUN DUUUUUN

                  Friday, 10-Jun-11 20:42:22 UTC from web
    3. @miloth Hai. To quote my recent Facebook status, "I feel like releasing a torrent of 4-letter words right now".

      Friday, 10-Jun-11 20:29:02 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
      1. @rnbwdashiswin do we need to guess ? :D ( I love guessing games :D )

        Friday, 10-Jun-11 20:31:10 UTC from web
      2. @rnbwdashiswin I know how you feel.

        Friday, 10-Jun-11 20:32:01 UTC from web
      3. @rnbwdashiswin What happened? :(

        Friday, 10-Jun-11 20:32:24 UTC from web
        1. @thelastgherkin Just the depression half of bipolar disorder affecting me.

          Friday, 10-Jun-11 20:33:53 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
          1. @rnbwdashiswin My manic phases are epic, but the troughs are murder... I definitely prefer the peaks to the valleys

            Friday, 10-Jun-11 20:35:36 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
          2. @rnbwdashiswin !hughug :(

            Friday, 10-Jun-11 20:43:33 UTC from web
            1. @thelastgherkin Thanks also

              Friday, 10-Jun-11 20:46:13 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
      4. @rnbwdashiswin Is it safe to assume the words in question include. Hope, love, joys, good and pony?

        Friday, 10-Jun-11 20:36:04 UTC from web
        1. @ponystark I wish

          Friday, 10-Jun-11 20:39:13 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    4. @rotation Thanks

      Friday, 10-Jun-11 20:43:03 UTC from StatusNet Desktop