Back in my day my grandmother took me with her to buy a brand new "microwave oven" that fit a full-sized casserole dish. It didn't have a turn-table and it was low wattage, but over 20 YEARS have passed since then and my wife and I are still using it to this day! Back in my day they built things to last!
Friday, 24-Aug-12 10:04:31 UTC from web-
@pony My microwave is from 1985. It's older than my WIFE! BAHAHAHA!
Friday, 24-Aug-12 10:06:22 UTC from web-
@pony bah thats older than me :0
Friday, 24-Aug-12 10:07:01 UTC from web-
Friday, 24-Aug-12 10:08:18 UTC from web
@pony it was made so you could be born. You made that year... You made it.
@firestormdangerdash I'm glad somepony other than me recognizes this. Thank you. :3
Friday, 24-Aug-12 10:14:44 UTC from web
@pyravia lol you make me feel old. im turning 23 in October :*(
Friday, 24-Aug-12 10:08:17 UTC from web-
@jojoax There's one pony older than me on RDN I think, except I don't remember who any more.
Friday, 24-Aug-12 10:12:29 UTC from web
@pyravia I think I just borrowed my sisters dresses that she was forced to wear as a bridesmaid every now and then. She was always more masculine than me anyway.
@pony I have some old school socks... My fathers father worn them. They could keep your feet warm in space, they could.
@firestormdangerdash now that's what I'm talkin' about!
Friday, 24-Aug-12 10:17:06 UTC from web
@pyravia there there. :) In this fandom the age gap is usually not very noticeable.. sort of. It feels good to rant like an old person.
Friday, 24-Aug-12 10:16:25 UTC from web-
The question is, what should I have for breakfast?
@pyravia I'm a guy too, didn't stop me from pretending I was FABULOUS as a 4 year old haha
@cherrysundae to err is to be a understatement.
@pyravia Yeah I like to do that too x3 I mean about my generation. Honestly every generation is pretty much the same that way I think. Humanity is dumb.
Friday, 24-Aug-12 10:19:39 UTC from web -
@pyravia I'm guessing that a generation spans about 15 to 20 years, but typically we think of our own age as being the center of that period.. I mean, I COULD have a child as old as 17 technically, but any older than 11 would be kind of wrong.
Friday, 24-Aug-12 10:24:38 UTC from web-
@pony A generation is usually regarded as a 20 years period.
Friday, 24-Aug-12 10:25:37 UTC from web-
@nerthos yeah, except during tymes when ponies only lived to age 30 if they were lucky.
Friday, 24-Aug-12 10:26:24 UTC from web-
@pony #Kindoflatereply I'm talking about modern times. At that time a generation was of about 12 years.
Friday, 24-Aug-12 10:49:52 UTC from web-
@nerthos yeah that sounds about right. In modern times I think it depends on the culture. In Western culture definitely around 20 years, yeah.
Friday, 24-Aug-12 10:50:57 UTC from web-
@pony The only thing I dislike about modern generations are the "child labor" regulations, and the whole 18-21 age rule. I mean, I wanted to work when I was 14 and had looots of free time, but couldn't because laws. And then there's the point of romantic relationships with more than three years of difference. As long as there's no coitus involved, the regulation is stupid.
Friday, 24-Aug-12 10:56:00 UTC from web
@pony the plot thickens?
@firestormdangerdash Well it's good to see life comes full circle. I liked MLP as a tyke and I like it again today.
Friday, 24-Aug-12 10:29:27 UTC from web-
@pony well I didnt... It was some sort of evil spawn for me.. And I was such a loving, tolerante child too...
@firestormdangerdash It was relatively cool back in my day xD
Friday, 24-Aug-12 10:34:25 UTC from web-
@pony see I was born during G3.5 so any anger/fear is to be expexted.
@firestormdangerdash ah well of course. the first MLP movie has a decent story and characters though. But Generation 3.x was bleh.
Friday, 24-Aug-12 10:38:10 UTC from web