

  1. hey quick question around about how much mlp exsposure does it take for a new brony to want mlp merch items.

    Sunday, 26-Aug-12 03:35:04 UTC from web
    1. @xvinylscratchx You don't actually think that there's a dosage, do you?

      Sunday, 26-Aug-12 03:35:41 UTC from web
      1. @scribus no but i was just wondering if there was a adverage i should say event time for new bronys to start to want to buy the mlp merch.

        Sunday, 26-Aug-12 03:38:12 UTC from web
        1. @xvinylscratchx Ah, alright then. Well, I'd say, while trying not to sound flippant or cruel, that it's different from person to person. Why do you ask?

          Sunday, 26-Aug-12 03:39:00 UTC from web
          1. @scribus i guess i ask because iv never really wanted to buy any of the merch before untill resently first for me was my vinyl scratch tshirt and then i won a twilight sparkle plushie from a raffle then i find out they have trading cards iv been having the want to get the vs and octavia cards

            Sunday, 26-Aug-12 03:42:50 UTC from web
            1. @xvinylscratchx Ah, I see. I got some toys quite early on, but any more I'm not especially interested (though a lot of that is a general weariness with the concept of material goods).

              Sunday, 26-Aug-12 03:44:29 UTC from web
    2. @xvinylscratchx What"

      Sunday, 26-Aug-12 03:36:06 UTC from web
    3. @xvinylscratchx I've wanted stuff for a while, it's a matter of how well I can hide it right now. I purchased several easily concealable items while at EverfreeNW.

      Sunday, 26-Aug-12 03:46:39 UTC from web
      1. @toksyuryel for me if its got anything to with vinyl or octavia in the back of my mind im like must have. but yeah concealing it would be a problem. since my mom knows not of me being a brony. iv sung out a few songs from the show before not knowing she was home or some where near. all i get is what are you singing.

        Sunday, 26-Aug-12 03:50:56 UTC from web
        1. @xvinylscratchx My mother knows and supports it, it's her boyfriend that's the problem. He's basically a high school bully that never grew up. Ironically the person most in need of the lessons the show teaches but who would never listen to them. Someone like that isn't someone you tell something like this to.

          Sunday, 26-Aug-12 03:59:41 UTC from web
          1. @toksyuryel sometime i wish i could tell my mom about me being a brony it would really alow me to loosen up abit around the house wont have to hide stuff. but after the incident with my kitsune hoodie that is in my closet i had to spend an hour convencing that i like women. i may be a guy but i do on occasion like cute stuff expecally if it of my favorite animal which is a fox. i can just imagin what the talk will be like if she finds out im a brony lol oh and dont let my mom get started on anime though with that topic i usly mess with her with it cuz she hates anime with a passion

            Sunday, 26-Aug-12 04:09:32 UTC from web
            1. @xvinylscratchx She found out on her own in my case. Sounds like you're in a rough situation there :x I wish you luck *gives hugs*

              Sunday, 26-Aug-12 04:11:39 UTC from web
              1. @toksyuryel thx lol i know it will come out eventually so all i can do when it does is to explain it to the best of my abilty perhaps show her this youtube vid

                Sunday, 26-Aug-12 04:17:31 UTC from web
                1. @xvinylscratchx I'm fond of this one

                  Sunday, 26-Aug-12 04:19:24 UTC from web