

  1. is everypony on here currently a MOD?!

    Monday, 03-Sep-12 06:38:02 UTC from web
    1. @arcanepony43 No, there's only 3 mods and 1 admin on right now. :p

      Monday, 03-Sep-12 06:38:19 UTC from web
      1. @minti thats worse. Nearly NO friends of mine! (IDK if you count @derpyshy. you always seem to give me hugs. cant tell if your a friend or just being nice) And with nothing to do, what can i do?! I'm sick of drawing and writing/playing music. u have any ideas?

        Monday, 03-Sep-12 06:41:58 UTC from web
        1. @arcanepony43 play children's card games

          Monday, 03-Sep-12 06:44:53 UTC from web
          1. @crusader8 no cards.

            Monday, 03-Sep-12 06:47:10 UTC from web
        2. @arcanepony43 Both?

          Monday, 03-Sep-12 06:46:22 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    2. @arcanepony43 Eenope.

      Monday, 03-Sep-12 06:38:27 UTC from web
    3. @arcanepony43 Having a website universally consisting of mods would be pretty pointless.

      Monday, 03-Sep-12 06:39:46 UTC from web
    4. @arcanepony43 No, I'm just someone who wants to be one, but would also make a terrible one. :P

      Monday, 03-Sep-12 06:40:08 UTC from web
    5. @arcanepony43 How can I be a MODERATE-or, when I'm so EXTREME!? But yeah, godawful jokes aside.... >.>

      Monday, 03-Sep-12 06:40:15 UTC from web
      1. @scribus You should get @widget to make a new EXTREMOR role for you to EXTREME posts and such.

        Monday, 03-Sep-12 06:41:15 UTC from web
    6. @darkw00d lucid? (brain=fried)

      Monday, 03-Sep-12 06:47:31 UTC from web
    7. @darkw00d oh, that's easy. thanks! I should finish my fic! You just reminded me! Thanks!

      Monday, 03-Sep-12 06:50:47 UTC from web