

  1. Hey ponies if a vampire bites a zombie does the zombie become a vampire or does the vampire become a zombie?

    Monday, 03-Sep-12 20:54:47 UTC from web
    1. @rainbowdash256 Neither of both, as vampires and zombies do not exist.

      Monday, 03-Sep-12 20:55:12 UTC from web
    2. @rainbowdash256 The zombie would not notice, and the vampire would get a wicked bad tummy ache.

      Monday, 03-Sep-12 20:55:38 UTC from web
      1. @thelastgherkin Most likely.

        Monday, 03-Sep-12 20:56:12 UTC from web
      2. @thelastgherkin Yo, vampire, if you're going to keep eating so many zombies you're gonna get a wicked bad tummy ache.

        Monday, 03-Sep-12 20:57:42 UTC from web
        1. @omni Bluh! Forget you, I can eat all dese zombies! Bluh!

          Monday, 03-Sep-12 20:58:26 UTC from web
    3. @rainbowdash256 ...

      Monday, 03-Sep-12 20:55:45 UTC from web
    4. @rainbowdash256 I'd say: non of the above. The Zombie, who is already dead, would be immune to the curse while the vampire is immune against illness.

      Monday, 03-Sep-12 20:56:21 UTC from web