

  1. I'm new here, and I don't know where to start.....sad brony is sad ._.

    Thursday, 06-Sep-12 06:00:52 UTC from web
    1. @emokittykisses # Another sad pony? We will be the best of friends!

      Thursday, 06-Sep-12 06:01:25 UTC from web
      1. @omni c:

        Thursday, 06-Sep-12 06:01:52 UTC from web
        1. @emokittykisses Let me introduce myself: I am Omni. I come from the furry fandom, but ended up here. I'm a huge music fan and Linux fanboy. If you EVER want to learn about some new music, PLEASE come to me. I love love love sharing music :3 (Also, off to school)

          Thursday, 06-Sep-12 06:04:39 UTC from web
          1. @omni I am EmoKittyKisses. I just started my freshman year in college, I also like music (and I'm starting to listen to F3nning more), and I heard of this site from a "Bronies React" video.

            Thursday, 06-Sep-12 06:07:25 UTC from web
            1. @emokittykisses I love this site. Hope you enjoy it as much too!

              Thursday, 06-Sep-12 06:10:50 UTC from web
            2. @emokittykisses im vinyl scratch im still a fairly new brony. (4months i beleve) lol i once was a hater but i am one no longer so welcome to rdn and have a good time. i usually post random drawing sometimes

              Thursday, 06-Sep-12 06:11:14 UTC from web
    2. @emokittykisses dont be a sad pony

      Thursday, 06-Sep-12 06:02:06 UTC from web
    3. @emokittykisses I thought you were @bowandlyre cause of your avatar. xD Welcome!

      Thursday, 06-Sep-12 06:03:13 UTC from web
      1. @minti lol naw, I'm a new guy xP

        Thursday, 06-Sep-12 06:05:01 UTC from web
    4. @emokittykisses ^_^ welcome to RDN sadpony! Make yourself at home! Also be aware that some dislike when others vent their personal problems consistently on RDN. I have no problem with it personally.

      Thursday, 06-Sep-12 06:03:27 UTC from web
    5. @emokittykisses happiness is mandatory and enforced by aircraft

      Thursday, 06-Sep-12 06:04:50 UTC from web
      1. @crusader8 lulz

        Thursday, 06-Sep-12 06:05:28 UTC from web