

  1. Are we starting another OS war here?

    Sunday, 09-Sep-12 13:51:31 UTC from web
    1. @toksyuryel Hooope not. It's amazing what can happen if you state which operating system you chose for your [b]personal[/b] computer, isnt it xD

      Sunday, 09-Sep-12 13:52:41 UTC from web
      1. @cavatina I use Gentoo. Let's see what happens now that I've stated it!

        Sunday, 09-Sep-12 13:53:26 UTC from web
        1. @toksyuryel *backpats

          Sunday, 09-Sep-12 13:55:34 UTC from web
          1. @techdisk42 *leans adorably*

            Sunday, 09-Sep-12 13:56:23 UTC from web
            1. @toksyuryel DAWWWWW

              Sunday, 09-Sep-12 13:57:06 UTC from web
        2. @toksyuryel hehe. I actually don't understand why people feel the need to tell other people which OS they should be using for their *personal* computer. The whole point of it, is you pick the best OS family for what you do... I do agree there are bad versions of every OS, and they should be avoided. But beyond that, telling someone to not use [insert OS here] always struck me as dumb. Am i too rational for this world? xD. also *pats your back* Might i ask for help when i decide to bite the bullet and install it? <3

          Sunday, 09-Sep-12 13:56:49 UTC from web
          1. @cavatina My OS doesn't even have "versions". And sure, I love helping people learn how to install and use it ☺

            Sunday, 09-Sep-12 13:58:03 UTC from web
            1. @toksyuryel How doesnt it have versions? o3o, is it just continually updated?

              Sunday, 09-Sep-12 13:59:04 UTC from web
              1. @cavatina The OS itself consists only of the package manager and everything required to make the package manager work. The rest is whatever you choose to install with that package manager.

                Sunday, 09-Sep-12 14:01:50 UTC from web
                1. @toksyuryel Oh yeah... I think you told me this actually. So the OS's features are purely what you deem needed?

                  Sunday, 09-Sep-12 14:02:33 UTC from web
                  1. @cavatina Yup. The entire design principle behind it is to give the user as much choice as possible while still being usable. It's honestly not nearly as hard as people like to claim it is, the only thing that's actually difficult about it is configuring your own kernel.

                    Sunday, 09-Sep-12 14:05:38 UTC from web
                    1. @toksyuryel and surely i'd be able to follow a guide of sorts, for my system, since it's not a particularly oddball system?

                      Sunday, 09-Sep-12 14:06:18 UTC from web
                      1. @cavatina There aren't any build-specific guides like that. There's the installation handbook, which guides you through the install process and comes in several architecture-specific flavors; this takes the place of the installation wizards most other OSes have. It expects the user to have at least some idea what they're doing already and to be comfortable with the command line. Configuring your kernel will also require you to have some knowledge of what all you actually have inside your box, and how to find information about it. I can help you with a lot of this.

                        Sunday, 09-Sep-12 14:27:54 UTC from web
                2. @toksyuryel now I wanna try Gentoo. But that would require me to have finished my homework.

                  Sunday, 09-Sep-12 14:04:21 UTC from web
              2. @cavatina Yes, it's rolling release.

                Sunday, 09-Sep-12 14:01:59 UTC from Choqok
          2. @cavatina personally, I feel the same way, except windows 8 falls into the "to be avoided" category.

            Sunday, 09-Sep-12 13:59:16 UTC from web
            1. @techdisk42 If i run into something which makes my life harder, i'm going back to 7. But right now, everything is fine.

              Sunday, 09-Sep-12 14:00:32 UTC from web
              1. @cavatina but... start menu... do you have a touch screen? If so, then all my points are void. Windows 8 is good on touch interfaces.

                Sunday, 09-Sep-12 14:02:52 UTC from web
                1. @techdisk42 I dont use the Start Menu, i just use it for the same thing i used the old one for, searching!. Win Key + [Thing I Am Looking for] + Enter, and 9/10 times, i'm in and out after 4 seconds. It's always felt more efficient to do it that way, and i'm glad it's encouraged now. OS X has done it since launch! (Spotlight)

                  Sunday, 09-Sep-12 14:04:00 UTC from web
                2. @techdisk42 Besides, if i really want the old menu back, i can use Start8. But i don't, i never did like the Start Menu.

                  Sunday, 09-Sep-12 14:05:36 UTC from web