

  1. I wonder if Black Mesa: Source will run on Linux as well, seeing how the Half Life engine should run... I hope it will, being honest, then again, then I may have to actually buy Half Life 2 :P

    Monday, 10-Sep-12 14:48:46 UTC from web
    1. @omni Doesn't it run on the Source engine? I thought that was the whole point. Given Valve's plans for Steam, it should only be a matter of time before Source is available for Linux too.

      Monday, 10-Sep-12 15:00:52 UTC from web
      1. @toksyuryel Sorry, Source Engine, that's what I meant. Well, yes, it's likely it will work but it could still be possible they introduced new external dependencies which may be Windows-only. You never know.

        Monday, 10-Sep-12 15:05:27 UTC from web
    2. @omni Probably not. It'd need to be recompiled for the platform and the compilers don't currently publicly exist

      Monday, 10-Sep-12 15:02:18 UTC from web
      1. @spamcan It's based on the Source Engine, so assuming they aren't using any strange new external dependencies I see now reason for it not to (especially because the Source Engine is (in the progress of being?) ported).

        Monday, 10-Sep-12 15:06:50 UTC from web
        1. @omni Well last I heard they've already got L4D running on Linux, and performing better than it does on Windows.

          Monday, 10-Sep-12 15:17:04 UTC from web
          1. @toksyuryel That's true, according to their own blog it was running approximately 10 percent faster on Ubuntu 12.04 than on Windows 7 (

            Monday, 10-Sep-12 15:20:18 UTC from web
        2. @omni The Source Engine was ported, yes. But the new Gib System, Facial Randomizer, NPCs, weapons, special entites ect do not work in the bog standard Source engine. You need to recompile them for the specific OS # #

          Wednesday, 12-Sep-12 07:31:27 UTC from web
          1. @spamcan Ah, and that is what I wanted to know. If I can get the source code and some compilation instructions I wouldn't mind compiling it by myself, but I guess that won't happen :P

            Wednesday, 12-Sep-12 07:32:15 UTC from web
            1. @omni The compilers don't publicly exist :<

              Thursday, 13-Sep-12 11:57:23 UTC from web
              1. @spamcan Well, that sucks :(

                Thursday, 13-Sep-12 14:17:01 UTC from web