

  1. Found Pinkie Pie toothpaste at Target. Tempting, but I tend to prefer a mint flavor.

    Thursday, 16-Jun-11 17:01:04 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    1. @scribus Nice! I've seen those toothpastes in a few places, but not the Pinkie kind. Apparently, though, you'd not want to use it often, as it doesn't have the same stuff that normal toothpaste has in it, so your teeth would destroy themselves. Actually, kind of how I suspect Pinkie's teeth are.

      Thursday, 16-Jun-11 17:03:14 UTC from web
    2. @scribus Why buying Pinkie Pie toothpaste? Isn't Colgate the better toothpaste? ;)

      Thursday, 16-Jun-11 17:13:34 UTC from Choqok
      1. @broniebrown It took me a few reads to get what you did there. ;-)

        Thursday, 16-Jun-11 18:32:30 UTC from MuSTArDroid
        1. @scribus I admit that it was a bit cryptic. ;)

          Thursday, 16-Jun-11 18:36:55 UTC from Choqok